Page 87 of In Hiding
“I wouldn’t if I could avoid it, I promise. You’ll both be safe until I get back.”
Unbelieving, Will wrapped his hands around the handles of the barrow and lifted its rear. “You can’t promise that.”
He steered it around Jake but as he passed by, Jake reached out and took hold of his arm. Turning, he stared hard into Will’s eyes, then realized they almost stood eye to eye. When had the kid grown so much?
“Maybe not, but I know you’re strong and you know how to wield that axe, if it came to it.”
A sly smile curved Will’s mouth. “Thanks to you.”
Their self-defense sessions had transformed into something he doubted Sarah would approve of, but the progression from defending one’s self to going on the attack had seemed natural enough.
It wasn’t like he’d shown the boy how to shoot a gun, or even how to stab with a knife. Bullshit. Who are you trying to kid? He tried to ignore his conscience, but it was no good. No, he hadn’t taught the boy how to shoot or stab, he’d shown him how best to slay an opponent with a fucking axe.
He groaned internally.
Sarah would have his guts for garters.
“That stays between us.” He ruffled Will’s hair. “I thought we had a deal.”
“We do,” Will chuckled. Seeing his face relax with laughter eased some of Jake’s worry.
“So, why won’t you trust me about where you went?”
Will shrugged. “You’ll tell Mama. I know it.”
“Don’t you see that keeping it from her is worrying her?”
“She has nothing to worry about. I’m not up to no good, I promise.”
Jake allowed himself to frown. “If it’s not bad, then tell her.”
“I can’t.” A struggle played out in the kid’s eyes. “I promised I wouldn’t say.”
In a flash, it occurred to Jake who Will was protecting. He had no idea how the boy found out about Erik, but he was certain Will knew his uncle was in town. Erik had made him promise not to tell Sarah, just like he’d done with Jake.
Leaning in close, he was about to say something when a car appeared on the drive. Both of them spun to see who’d arrived, but the familiar face behind the wheel eased Jake’s surprise.
“Who is she?”
He glanced at Will to see the boy staring open-mouthed at the visitor. They watched the vehicle circle around and stop, before the hot-tempered redhead stepped out and greeted them both with a huge smile.
The wind blew Lucy’s hair over her face and when she cleared it away, she shook her head and started toward them. “Afternoon, Jake.” Her eyes focused on Will. “And this is?”
“William,” the boy introduced himself, holding out a hand. “William Andersen.”
She winked as she shook the outstretched hand. “I’m Lucy, a friend of Jake’s.”
Friend? That was new.
He patted Will on the shoulder. “I think you have some more wood to chop.”
“Not really.”
Jake gave him a look.
“Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you, Lucy.”