Page 10 of True Stars Collide
They’d only been faking it for one day. How in the world was she going to continue this charade through the end of the year?
And no way would she think about that dilemma now. She exhaled a shaky breath, leaned forward, and flipped on the radio. Of course, an old Black Velvet Machine song filled the air. She glanced at Liam, whose eyes were now closed, his leonine head resting back on the seat, lines of exhaustion bracketing his mouth.
So they’d sit in silence.
The limo purred to a stop outside the back entrance of Harry Winston Jewelers and the chauffer escorted them inside.
An elegant brunette brought out the rings and placed them on the glass top counter. “Here’s your selection. Double check to make sure they fit properly.”
Without glancing at her, Liam picked up his ring. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
So she’d be sliding her own engagement ring on her finger. How romantic. She sighed and picked up the ginormous diamond ring that should be in a museum. Holy hell, what had Krissy been thinking? Totally not her style.
She tried it on, and it fit perfectly, although it felt more like an anchor weighing her down than a symbol of commitment.
Probably because it wasn’t a true commitment.
“You ready?” Liam glanced at her ring and up at her.
She nodded and thanked the woman. Without another word, they returned to the limo and headed to pick up the marriage license. Her earlier pleasant buzz was officially gone.
“You going to be able to keep this up? Because that was pretty pathetic. Let’s hope she doesn’t spill to the press.” Because she was giving this whole situation everything she had and he was already acting like a spoiled brat.
He raised a golden eyebrow. “Like I said, taking a break from the performance.”
She huffed out a breath. “I know you’re angry about all of it, but it’s not my fault. Keep your attention on the prize––the band’s comeback.”
“Oh really? If we didn’t have to rehab your image, we wouldn’t be on the way to a fucking wedding chapel.”
Annoyance flared inside her. “It’s just as much your problem since you basically committed fraud. So get off your high horse, do your part, and stop acting holier than thou. It’s not like this is the first time you’ve lived a lie.”
His nostrils flared and he sat up, his spine ramrod straight. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I gambled about Austin. It could’ve worked. But your entire career was a lie––your image was fake. I’ve never acted like someone I’m not. I’m a prick and everyone knows it. So get over yourself. I’ll turn on the fucking romance when there are people around. Otherwise, this is me.”
“Well, lucky you, getting to do whatever you want. Some of us don’t have that luxury.” No way would she admit she’d started liking him. That she was really attracted to him. That his kisses and their banter had felt real.
Obviously, she was deluded on top of everything else. Was this really going to be worth it? She had to marry this guy and live with him? Talk about the ultimate sacrifice.
He shrugged and reached for the whiskey. “You don’t know anything about my life. And it doesn’t matter. Let’s just get this done and get back to the hotel. I’m wiped out.”
He poured them both another drink, handed her a glass, and sat back and sipped his own.
They stopped at the marriage license bureau, where some photographers lurked by the entrance. Liam wrapped her in close to his side and they hurried into the building as the flashing bulbs sparked like fireworks beside them.
Fortunately, the line was short, and she kept her face pressed into his hard, hot body, with his arms keeping her close. When it came time to sign their names on the license, Zoe’s fingers shook.
Liam’s face was pale, beads of sweat adorned his forehead, and if her imagination wasn’t playing tricks on her, his long fingers trembled too. Not so cool and collected now, was he? Once they completed the paperwork, they sprinted to the limo, and ignored the shouted questions from the paparazzi.
Mission accomplished. Now for the real performance: exchanging wedding vows.
The limo pulled up to A Little White Wedding Chapel’s’ Tunnel of Love. Now she could relate with Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Talk about surreal. Although the minister would perform the ceremony through the window of their vehicle, they still had to go inside to sign paperwork.
When they returned to the limousine, time slowed, like she was swimming through a dream or Wonderland. The desert heat contrasted with the frigid air-conditioning in the vehicle, leaving the fabric of her top clinging to her skin. Her limbs grew heavy, her throat felt full, and the interior of the Bentley felt like a tomb.
Too late to run now. She took a few fortifying breaths. This sham marriage, although over-the-top, was the right thing to do for her, for Liam, and for the band. And it was temporary, like everything in life. Only temporary.
The officiant, an elderly gentleman with a dramatic comb-over, appeared, along with a short round little woman with hair a shade of red not found in nature. “Hello there, Liam and Zoe. Can you please both sit over here next to the window so we can perform the sacred vows and you two can drive away united as one?”
Zoe scooted in close to Liam, the heat from his skin warming her, the hint of whiskey on his breath strangely tempting her to kiss him again. Yeah, not the best idea.