Page 3 of True Stars Collide
The elevator bell dinged and the doors parted, opening into the plush penthouse offices. A pretty, young receptionist beamed at him and batted her cartoon eyelashes. Yawn. “Mr. Jones, they’re waiting for you both in the West conference room.”
He turned to Zoe. “Follow me.”
“Are they always like that with you?” She arched one ebony eyebrow and fell into step beside him.
He shrugged. “You know the gig, celebrities are fair game, at least when they’re on top.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I used to get mobbed by sixth grade girls. That receptionist was probably one of them a few years ago.”
They traversed a long hallway and reached the glass-walled conference room, where their managers and PR team gathered at one end of a Titanic-sized table. Frustration flared down his spine––everything in this business except for the writing, playing, and performing of music––ticked him off. What had these people looking so smug? Yeah, he wasn’t going to like it.
Zoe opened the door before he had a chance, and he followed her inside.
“Perfect, the two of you already hanging out together.” One of the PR suits smirked.
Krissy rose and smiled brightly. “We’re really excited, guys. Have a seat so we can run through this and get started.”
Zoe’s eyes went wide, and her cheeks paled.
What did she know that he didn’t?
Not like he had a choice. He’d majorly fucked up by telling all the major entertainment outlets Austin was returning to the band when he knew it was bullshit. But he’d figured his former bandmate and friend would cave to the pressure.
And he’d been dead fucking wrong.
The blow back had been fierce. After three years, the fans were impatient and had moved on to the latest new band. If Black Velvet Machine stood a chance of a come-back, it had to happen before time ran out.
So whatever the suits had up their sleeves? He’d have to play along with it because he bore the brunt of the mistake. He paid his debts.
Zoe crossed the room and sat beside her agent. So much for them presenting a united front. He flopped down next to his manager, facing her and the floor-to-ceiling windows letting in the unrelenting blue sky and sunshine. Sometimes he missed the gray skies of the U.K.––more suited to his moods.
“What’s the magic plan?” Zoe folded her slender hands together and rested them on the charcoal granite table.
Krissy blew out a breath. “Ian, you want to present it or should I?”
Ian gestured with one hand. “Take it away.”
“Hear me out before you say a word.” Zoe’s agent narrowed her eyes at him.
He shrugged a shoulder and Zoe gave a sharp nod.
“We’ve brainstormed, and agree we need something dramatic, over-the-top, exciting, and fast. This plan is the best way to integrate Zoe and stir up so much attention that the fans will forget about the false tease of Austin’s return.
“Zoe needs to seem wild and unpredictable. Think total opposite of her Baby Dolls girly image. You two will go to Vegas and party all over town. We’ll tip off the press, who will photograph you together, making out, drinking, being outrageous.”
“Outrageous in Vegas?” Zoe asked. “Isn’t everyone?”
Krissy held up a finger. “Shh, I’m not done. Then, you two will go to City Hall and pick up a marriage license, where some paparazzi will conveniently spot you. Then, your driver will take you through The Little White Wedding Chapel where you’ll get married––”
Liam surged to his feet. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m getting married.”
“Sit. Your ass. Down.” Ian bit out the words.
He dropped into the stiff leather chair, his fingers curling around the chrome armrests. No fucking way. He’d always been single and liked it that way.
Zoe’s expression was blank.
Zoe’s agent continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “You will get married and return to your honeymoon suite at the Virgin Hotel. From that moment forward, in public, you two are mad for each other. PDA everywhere. Never seen alone. Then, two nights later, Black Velvet Machine will play a surprise exclusive show at The Theater at Virgin Hotel. Bam––the band will officially be back. You two will be seen as the faces of the band. Zoe and Liam. Liam and Zoe.