Page 13 of Sunset Hearts 2
“You sure it was a gator out there that spooked Cerberus earlier?” Jolene asked, following Jasper’s gaze. She stared hard into the darkness. For a moment, she thought she saw a small shift in the landscape, and she felt her heart begin to hammer. She stood there, frozen, waiting, but nothing happened.
“Honestly, I’m not,” Anthony replied, turning to Emma. He held out his hands and she slipped hers into them. Jolene turned to watch as Anthony spoke to her tenderly.
“I’m going to drive Clarissa home and make sure it’s all good there. But while I’m gone, I’d like you to think about letting me sleep on your couch tonight. I totally understand if you say no, and I won’t push, but it would put me at ease if I knew you weren’t alone.”
Emma smiled in relief up at Anthony, and Jolene already knew what the woman’s answer would be. Suddenly feeling like she was intruding on an intimate moment, she walked with Clarissa off of the porch.
“You want me to come stay at your place?” Jolene offered, nodding toward Anthony. “The man’s onto a pretty good idea there about buddying up.”
Jolene knew by the smile Clarissa gave her that her answer was going to be no, and even though she didn’t like it, she accepted it. She knew better than to push Clarissa about anything, especially when it came to what she thought was good for her.
“Thanks, but I’m alright. I think this is good. Where you and I are right now, I mean, and I don’t want to push it.” She lowered her voice and leaned in close.
“Besides, no one even knows there’s an upstairs apartment above the bar anyway. There’s no outdoor exit. They’d have to go through the bar, and the whole place is rigged to a security system.”
Clarissa shrugged and gave Jolene a small smile. “Honestly, out of everyone here, I’m probably the safest.”
“Alright,” Jolene sighed, knowing there was no use arguing with Clarissa’s made-up mind.
“Can I see you tomorrow?”
Clarissa nodded her head as she squeezed Jolene in a hug.
“I’d like that. Why don’t you and Jasper come by the bar tomorrow and I’ll fix y’all something special?”
Jolene agreed, and soon after Clarissa and Anthony were saying their goodbyes to everyone so Anthony could take her home.
“You want us to stay here until he gets back?” Jasper asked Emma. She smiled at him kindly.
“That’s so sweet of you, but I’ve got Cerberus here. Besides, it would make me feel better if Jolene had someone to walk her back to her cabin. Would you mind?”
Jolene felt a blush spread through her cheeks as Jasper replied that he wouldn’t mind at all. The two of them thanked Emma once more for her hospitality, and after they were sure she and Cerberus were safely inside, they both began the walk on the beach to Jolene’s cabin.
“So, you and Anthony’s talk…not so good, huh?”
Jasper turned to her as he smirked.
“We’re gettin’ there. Lotsa’ stuff to unpack. But it seems you and Clarissa are back on track.”
Jolene nodded, feeling her heart do a little happy dance.
“Yeah, it feels great. She invited us to the bar tomorrow. Maybe we could stop by for lunch while we take a break from making repairs.”
Jasper’s small smile spread into a goofy grin.
“You really want to keep helping me tomorrow?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” Jolene replied enthusiastically. “Honestly, it makes me feel really good. Plus it keeps me from going stir-crazy. I’m not really a ‘relax all day’ kind of person. I need something to do.”
Jasper made a sound that was between a grunt and a laugh.
“Lord, do I know that struggle. Even if you know you’re allowed to take a break, it’s like you can’t.”
“Exactly!” Jolene exclaimed, happy that she was understood. Jasper nodded his head.
“Well then, yeah, I’d love your help again. I was serious about you being a great foreman.”
They walked up the steps of Jolene’s porch, both of them already looking down to the boards for another pile of rocks. To their relief, there were none.