Page 28 of Edward’s Bunny
Glimmer of Hope
Igrowled and slammed down the phone as I pushed back from my desk. Leaning back in my chair, I closed my eyes. It had been a rough day. One of our plants had a delay in a battery shipment, and I had to work with the management team to get things on track. Unfortunately, we were at a standstill while we waited for a particular engineer to manufacture a part that had gone out of production. Bill, the plant manager, just informed me it would be two days. And what was worse, the Danvers deal, the three hundred-million-dollar deal, was in jeopardy of falling through.
"Fuck," I growled again.
Leaning forward, I stared out my office window. The sun was setting, and I had hoped to meet Brian at work. Things with Brian seemed to be improving, but he still hadn’t agreed to spend time with me outside of my helping at his job.
I grinned and shook my head. "It's worth it," I said, and it was. Just being in his presence brightened my day. I noticed different things, like how he loved to joke with the other cook, Jorge, or how he always seemed to smile, or the little extras he did for the friendly customers. Granted, if you were a jerk, you would get his snark.
I sighed; it really was amazing. I only wished we could get to know each other better. I wanted to take him on a date. My phone buzzed, and I growled again. I probably wouldn’t be able to see him if this crap kept up. I snatched the phone up.
"Yes," I barked.
"Mr. Satchel, Mr. Doy is here. He says it’s important that he speaks with you," my secretary Katie replied.
"Which Mr. Doy, younger or older?"
"Older, sir."
"Alright, send him in." I hung up the phone at the same time Walter entered. "Walter, today's a crap show. Whatever it is, better be very important."
"Yes, sire, it is," Walter said as he closed the door.
I looked up from my computer. Walter's voice was different; it held a quiver. "What’s going on?"
Walter exhaled loudly as he sat heavily in the chair opposite me. "Two things, really. First, Martha, well, Martha has asked for a divorce."
"What? Why? When did this happen?" I jumped to my feet and walked around, taking the chair next to him. Martha and Walter had been together for thirty years. She was a little snobby, but she and Walter always seemed happy.
"It’s a long story, but…" Walter squeezed his eyes and released another breath. I reached over and squeezed his shoulder, hoping to offer even a little comfort. He opened his eyes, and they glistened with unshed tears. I’d never seen my friend so distraught.
He cleared his throat. "It’s for the best. She’s found someone else and is moving away. I’m not going to stop her."
"She cheated on you?" Anger surged through my body, and my teeth clenched.
“It’s fine, Edward,” Walter replied. I wanted to protest, but he continued. “We haven’t been getting along for a while. Hell, if I’m honest, we’ve just been going through the motions for Mike. But he’s old enough, a man now. It hurts seeing my marriage end, but I don’t begrudge her finding someone else—someone who can make her happy.”
I leaned back in my chair and released a long breath. “Fuck, man. This day fucking sucks. I’m scared to ask what the other thing was.”
“What?” Walter’s brow scrunched.
“You said there were two things. What’s the other?”
Walter nodded and released another sigh. Fuck, I hated the sigh. I sat straight again. Walter glanced away and bit his lip.
“Spit it out, Walter.”
He cleared his throat. “There’s been some rumbling in the pride. Some have seen you go into the Pavilion. They noticed you waiting tables and spending time there. They’re wondering what’s going on.”
“They can mind their fucking business,” I snapped. I jumped to my feet again and began to pace my office. “It’s none of their damn concern what I do.”
Walter’s gaze followed my movements. “I understand. I just thought you should know that people are talking.”
I opened my mouth to reply but was stopped by my door flipping open. I spun around to see Hayden and Owen run in.
“What the hell? What are you two doing here? Why didn’t Katie call you in?” I snapped.