Page 15 of Enforcing the Rules
My eyes widened. “What?”
“Drop the act, kid. Bill spilled the beans.”
“Oh, shit. Does Mom know?”
“You’re still livin’, so no. I didn’t tell her, and I told Bill to keep his mouth shut. Least if he wanted to keep comin’ in here for his favorite beef stew.”
She straightened and screwed the cap on a sugar dispenser. “So, you’re going after him?”
“His bounty is really high. I need the money. Besides, who better than his own daughter to know where he’d go?”
“And so… the trip to Pueblo? Does Edina know about all this?”
“No, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell her. She has enough worries. Besides, some things she said made me think Daddy wasn’t going back this time.”
“Really? That’s surprising. And here I thought she was going to straighten that man out.”
“Me, too. Guess a tiger can’t change his stripes, huh?”
“Seems so. What are you going to do? You got any leads?”
“I figured I’d check all his usual haunts.”
“So, you think he’s still hanging around?”
“Daddy is ballsy. He thinks he’s untouchable. And he’s got a big mouth. I don’t think he’ll go far. And sooner or later he’s going to talk to the wrong people.”
The sound of a loud base carried through the plate-glass window, and we both turned to look. A shiny low-rider car in gleaming dark purple with undercarriage lighting parked at the curb.
Two Hispanic males got out. One was several inches taller than the other. They walked to the door and realization shot through me, along with a good dose of terror. The shorter one knocked on the glass door, leaning to look in.
“We’re closed,” Cora Lee called out.
The man pointed at me and curled his finger.
My stomach sank. I had a feeling I was about to meet Ruiz and his scary brother. I slid off the stool.
“What are you doing?” There was panic in Cora Lee’s voice.
“Hush.” I motioned toward the kitchen. Last thing I needed was my mom finding out about the shitstorm swirling around Chloe right now.
I opened the door and stepped outside, closing it behind me. With my back to the glass, I stared at the men and swallowed.
“Can I help you?”
“I’m Ruiz. You’re Chloe’s sister, aren’t you? Yeah, Chica, I see the resemblance. Where’s your sister? She owes me a lot of money, and I’m here to collect.”
“Chloe isn’t here, and she doesn’t have any money.”
“Ah. Too bad for her then, huh? Guess I’ll work it out of her. Bet she could make me some good money on her back.” An evil grin stretched across his face, and I caught the stench of cheap cologne. I wished I had my mace.
“Look, I’ve got a thousand dollars. I’ve got something in the works that will get me the rest, but it won’t be right away.”
He cocked his head, studying me as if he was judging the truth about my words. “Let me see the money.”
I pulled the envelope of cash I’d gotten at the bank from the back pocket of my jeans. Ruiz thumbed through the bills, checking that it was the amount I’d said it was. Then he looked in my eyes, crowding me against the door. “Since you’re so pretty, I’m gonna make you a deal. This buys you until the end of the month, Chica. You don’t have it by then, I’m gonna find you. And you’re not gonna like the consequences.”