Page 56 of Enforcing the Rules
“Yeah, well. Those cost money.”
He sighed. “Okay. Look. I’ll have Pete swing by the big box store and get one of those simple ones he can install himself. I think their service is pretty cheap, but you’ve got to pay the monthly cost.”
I jumped at his offer. “Deal.”
The handyman boarded the window up and said he’d have to order the new glass.
He was just leaving when I heard the unmistakable sound of a Harley. I looked out the window and saw Utah backing his bike to the curb. He climbed off and stared up at me as he unbuckled his helmet.
I met him at the top of the stairs.
“New door. Good.” He walked in and immediately his eyes went to the plywood covering the window. “What happened?”
“Um, it’s a long story.” I tried to walk away, but he snagged my arm and reeled me back.
“Shorten it.”
“Someone broke in. They cut a hole in the glass and opened the lock.”
His brows drew together, and his body stiffened. “Were you home?”
“No.” I wasn’t when the window was broken. That wasn’t a lie.
“Did they take anything?”
I shook my head. “Not that I could tell.” Again, not a lie.
“You file a police report?”
“No.” I glanced at his cut and tapped my index finger over his diamond patch with the one percent symbol. “I thought you guys weren’t big on cops.”
“We’re not. That doesn’t hold true for you, though, does it?”
“There’s nothing they could do, anyway. Besides, I’ve got a new door and lock, and before you say anything else, the landlord is having his handyman install a security system. I’ve just got to pay the monthly service fee.”
“You got enough to cover that?”
“Yes. I checked. It’s less than twenty dollars.”
He nodded but glanced at the window. “Still not sure I feel good about you livin’ here. I’d feel a lot better if I got you a gun and taught you how to use it.”
After Ruiz flashed that knife in my face, I was second guessing my decision not to carry a gun as well. “I suppose that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”
Utah nodded, studying my face, and I wondered if he knew I wasn’t telling him everything. “Good. Let’s go for a ride. I know a place we can target practice.”
A half an hour later, I clung to his back as he rolled up to a large log structure with half a dozen bikes parked out front. He stopped, and I hopped off while he backed his bike in among the others.
I unbuckled my helmet and stared up at the long porch. “What is this place?”
“Royal Bastards Clubhouse.”
My face went blank. I wasn’t sure I was ready to go inside. I didn’t have a clue what I was walking into.
Utah sensed my sudden unease and took both my hands in his, shaking one arm. “Hey, look at me. You’ll be fine. The guys will all treat you with respect.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re with me, and if they don’t, I’ll knock them on their asses.” He dipped his head and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “I think by now, you must know I’m into you. And I’m pretty sure you’re into me. The MC is a big part of my life. If we’re gonna make this work between us, you’re gonna have to be okay with that.”