Page 63 of Enforcing the Rules
A thrill shot through me, but I held off. “And?”
“And I’ll let you take him in for the bond. After we get our money back.”
I stared into his eyes. I wasn’t sure how far he’d go for his club. Would he lie to my face?
“Deal?” he pressed.
“Deal. Now get off me.”
“Nuh uh. No way. Until we catch this guy, you don’t leave my side.”
“So much for trust.”
“Trust is earned.”
He leaned to kiss me, but I pushed him back, more out of spite than anything.
He arched a brow. “You’re mine. We’ve got a deal.”
Then he grasped my hands and pinned them to the bed over my head.
I bucked, but that only turned me on as much as it did him. We wrestled, and I fought, but we both knew it was just a game. Especially when I rolled and straddled him, pinning him to the bed. I knew he was letting me; he could easily flip me off, but he grinned.
“I’m all yours, hellcat.”
I smiled. If only it were true.
“I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you. Never had a woman fill my brain the way you do. Never had a woman push me like you do.”
I dipped down and spoke against his mouth, staying just out of his reach when he lifted his head. “I guess that makes me one of a kind.”
He grinned and rolled, exchanging our positions.
“It makes you mine.” He lowered his head and took my lower lip gently between his teeth, then released it and drove his tongue inside my mouth, stroking and chasing my tongue.
We had rough, playful sex, and it was amazing. He tossed me around the bed, putting me where he wanted me, and changing positions again and again. He gave me orgasm after orgasm until I was too exhausted for more. Then he wrapped me tight in his arms and kissed my temple.
“Goodnight, little hellcat.”
Long after Utah drifted off to sleep, I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. I could probably sneak out, but I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t think an Uber driver was going to pick me up at the Royal Bastards Clubhouse. I could probably call Lizzie to come pick me up, but I didn’t know the address of this place.
Who was I kidding? Utah wouldn’t let me leave. I probably wouldn’t make it out the door and down the hall. If I did, he’d only come find me. And I had a feeling there’d be hell to pay when he did.
Besides, we had an easy truce, and I didn’t want to screw that up. He’d promised he’d let me take Ray in for the bounty.
I knew better than to reveal that Ray was my father. I was afraid the MC would use me as bait—which is laughable because I doubted my father would care enough to save me from them. That was a sad thought, and I hoped it wasn’t true.
Regardless, I wasn’t about to let them find out.
I woke early, curled around Kate, the scent of her shampoo in my nose. Usually, when I woke with a woman in my bed, the only thoughts going through my head were getting her gone as quickly as possible.
Not with Kate. With her, I was content to just stay right where I was with my arms wrapped around her. It was an easy, peaceful feeling, and not one I had often in my life. Now I thought about what I truly wanted in life. Usually, I didn’t let myself think about things like that, or what the future held. Now it crossed my mind more than I wanted to admit.
We had a lot to work through, but I felt confident I’d figure out a way to either keep the deal I’d made with Kate, or if my oath to the club made that impossible, to somehow make it right with her.