Page 1 of The Unperfects
“What do you mean?” Sophie stares me up and down like she‘s trying to find something on me that would give any clue about why I am doing what I am doing. Why I‘m walking.
Why I’m leaving.
And why she is the problem. Or maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s always been me and I just never knew it was me. Shit.
I grab Chloe’s hand, her twin sister, and slowly back away. I’ll release it soon, I’ll let it go like I’ll let her go… but for now, I don’t even know how to respond.
I’ve been gaslit.
I’ve been lied to.
I’ve also been the liar and cheater in this messed up situation, but one thing rings true.
There was only one guilty party.
And I know it is her, part of my brain says, “But do you really know? Between two twin sisters who made your life a living hell while also giving you the best few weeks of your life?”
I clutch Choe’s hand harder. She looks away, her blue eyes focusing on the ground, wearing nothing but black sweats and Adidas flip-flops, her hair in a bun, she looks nothing, and I do mean nothing like Sophie at this point who stood in front of us in nothing but designer clothing, head to toe Gucci, Louis Vuitton.
I mean, in the end, can you blame me for wondering who the true villain is? And where it all went wrong?
I just wanted to get over a girl I loved that ended up with my best friend.
I just wanted space.
What I got?
Twins who thought it would be fun, apparently, to mess with my already messed up emotions and a vacation, aka gap year, that ended up turning into a nightmare.
I got hell, and yet I’m still holding one’s hand.
I can’t be that big of an asshole, right?
Because what if one needs saving?
Suddenly, I drop her hand, realizing it’s not hers that’s shaking but mine.
What if. In this scenario. I’m not the knight.
No, maybe.
I’m the one that needs the white horse.
I’m the one who needs a rescue. I’m…
I slowly start to back away from them both, body trembling, lips not even moving anymore, even though I have so many words to say. I take one step, then another, then I turn and run.
So much for a one-night stand.