Page 18 of The Unperfects
She took it too far.
And now I have to decide if I come clean that it wasn’t me last night, or do I lie and keep him by my side?
I’m too sick to think about it.
My sickness isn’t going to get better, but what will make it better is having someone like Quinn.
His eyes search mine. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” I lie. “It’s perfect.”
Chapter Seven
I put on a straight face the entire time I eat breakfast with her and make plans for later, I’m trying not to lose my mind. I could have sworn there was something off with her this morning, and her sister, naturally, was just as hateful as ever.
Good riddance.
I pull Chloe in for a hug but she goes immediately stiff like she doesn’t want the attention. “You good?”
Her eyes fill with tears. “I’m totally fine.”
“Was I too rough with you last night?”
She presses her lips together then smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes, it’s like she’s holding herself back, shit I knew a one-night stand wouldn’t end up well. I probably hurt her or her feelings, both of us were exhausted.
I shake my head. “Listen, we can just be friends this doesn’t have to go past—“
“—NO!” she shouts and then grips my shoulders. “That’s not it, it’s just, I’m really tired after—last night and no, you weren’t too rough.” Her eyes fill with more tears, what the actual hell is going on? “I just think I’m a bit too invested in you and it’s only been a day, kind of terrifying.”
“Extremely terrifying.” I agree, “But I’m not going anywhere, I mean I am going home because I have to shower and I know I don’t technically live here so that might be an issue later, but taking a gap year is sounding better and better the more time I spend with you, add that to the fact I can take online classes and by your expression I am one hundred percent freaking you out aren’t I?”
She shakes her head, why does her hair look a bit longer? Weird. “No, not freaking me out, I like you.”
“I like you too.”
She stands on her tiptoes and presses a warm kiss to my cheek. “Go shower, go make sure your rich roommate knows that you’re okay and call me later, okay?”
“I don’t call, I text, calling stresses me out.” I wink. “Kidding, I’d even break the no calling rule just to hear your voice. Then again, I heard it a lot last night when you kept saying my name over and over again.”
She flinches. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I lean in. “I liked it.”
Chapter Eight
I text Sophie, she doesn’t text back.
I’m so upset that even crying all day and burning down my own house wouldn’t make it better.
She slept with him.
On purpose.
And pretended to be me, there’s no way I sleepwalked into the living room from my bedroom and had the best night of my life.