Page 48 of The Unperfects
And I’m pretty sure he has enough ice cream bars in the freezer to kill me with sugar and dairy alone.
Sarah went over the diet with him and he just ran with it but wanted me to have some treats too, I mean it should just be vegetables, healthy grains, fruits, yes some lean proteins but the guy literally asked me if he should go fishing for a salmon.
I reminded him that we didn’t actually have fresh water salmon in the ocean and got a death glare.
“Funny, very funny.” Quinn brings over a bowl of pasta. “I just made this so if it sucks, know that I accidentally at one point dropped half the salt in it but scooped it out so we should be good to go.” He makes a face. “If not, I’ll start over, the pasta is whole grain, and I made homemade sauce, I may have stolen a few tomatoes from Zanes garden down the street, but he won’t even notice, the guy has a black thumb.”
I laugh. “He gardens?”
“Correction,” Quinn puts the bowl of pasta on the tray in front of me. “He pretends to garden but pays a gardener, his wife turns a blind eye because she gets awesome food and the little dude loves it.”
“How old is he?”
“Little dude.”
Quinn laughs. “Oh, he’s an adult if you ask him, but he’s two, thinks he should be in college, uses big words like elephant and poop, pretty awesome if you ask me.”
“Ah poop is a big word, good for him.”
“Took me years to learn that one.” Quinn winks. “I’d just point at my ass and smile.”
“And yet, why do I feel like you still do that?” I tease.
His smile lights up the room as he sets himself on the couch and grabs the blanket like we’ve done this a million times. He puts my feet in his lap, hands me a fork, and says, “May the odds ever be in your favor.”
I take the fork. “You know, even if it’s salty, I won’t say a word.”
“I can smell lies.”
“Says the poop master.”
“Hey! I shared in confidence!” He throws his head back and laughs, damn he’s beautiful, it shouldn’t be right. He’s like my own personal Clark Kent on the couch, and my Superman at the hospital.
I want to say I don’t deserve him, but that’s what sick people do, we say we don’t deserve good things because we’re told by others that we shouldn’t be sick in the first place and are already like this heaviness to society, instead, I tell myself in that moment.
I’m hiding one more secret. One more to keep to myself, does he really need to know? I’m too immersed in the fact that he hasn’t run away screaming or told me I’m too much.
So I silence my lips and decide to put them to good use instead.
I, in that moment, really do become my twin, because I know I’m manipulating with my mouth even though I say no words.
I lean in and kiss him.
His lips are soft, but not eager, he quickly pulls back. “As much as I want to kiss you right now, you’re pale and even pale you’re pretty, but I need you to eat, to take care of yourself and if that means I need to be a jackass, then so be it.” His hand reaches out and cups my cheek gently, his fingers are warm, strong. I like the way they feel against my skin. Quinn has the power to both be gentle and a total ass, and I love it. Sometimes you need both, I think I’m one of those people.
Quinn grabs the fork, digs it into the pasta bowl, blows across it and leans in. “Open.”
I’ve never been so turned on in my life. “I want to open for something else.”
He licks his bottom lip, then bites it. “Maybe later, when you’re healthy enough to know just exactly what you’re licking, I mean, what if it’s a wall? A lollipop? The freezer? Do you really want to take the huge risk of missing out on my mouth and what it’s going to do to you?”
Chills run down my spine. “I can think of nothing worse.”
“Great answer, I’ll get you an ice cream bar later.”