Page 3 of Broke Down Single Mom
“Does it matter?” I shoot back, my shoulders squared. I have no idea what I’m trying to do here other than protect my children. “Officer, we just need some help, please. Maybe a jump start.”
The man looks at me with the kind of intensity that has my skin tingling all over. He’s handsome and then some. Olive skin, soft lips, just enough stubble to make my fingertips feel ticklish. I can imagine layers of rippling muscles underneath that uniform.Snap out of it, Avery. “Where were you coming from?” he insists, speaking more slowly this time, enunciating each word.
“Does it matter?” Two can play this game.
“Momma, we’re cold!” Miley cries out from the backseat.
“Dammit,” I curse under my breath. “Campbell. We were coming from Campbell.”
“Alright,” the man replies. “And where are you headed?”
My shoulders drop. I’m exhausted from constantly being afraid all the time, so wary of danger because of Daniel. This truly could be just an officer of the law doing his job. He’s supposed to ask questions. He’s supposed to get as many details out of me as possible in order to make an informed decision. I’m seeing Daniel’s flying monkeys everywhere these days, and it’s hindering my efforts to keep my own daughters safe. My eyes sting as tears threaten to make everything worse.
“As far away from my ex-husband as possible,” I say, a knot tightening in the back of my throat.
The man stills and narrows his eyes at me. “Did he hurt you?”
“My daughter, too,” I nod slowly. “Listen, if you can’t help me out with the car, could you at least give us a ride into the next town? My phone’s dead, but I’ve got some cash, just enough to keep us in a motel or something until the morning.”
“There are no motels anywhere nearby. The closest one would be in North Platte,” the man says.
“Could you take us there?”
“I need to know your name, first.”
I scoff. “Do I have to get arrested in order to put a roof over my daughters’ heads tonight?”
“That’s not necessary,” he says. “I just need a name.”
“I could try and punch you. That’ll get us an overnight stay in jail, right?” I’m willing to do whatever it takes at this point. Either the snowstorm caused my brain to short-circuit, or I really am that desperate.
“A name.”
“What’s yours?” I reply instead. “How do I know Daniel didn’t send you? He’s probably looking for me right now.”
“Ma’am, I’m Kellan Cassidy, Sheriff of Lincoln County. No one sent me,” he says firmly, sounding somewhat offended. Not that I can blame him. “I knew there might be trouble on the roads tonight on account of this weather, so I decided to do a slow and steady tour of the main roads before I head back home for the night. It seems as though my instincts served me well since I found you. Chances are you won’t get another car driving by at least until the morning. Entire sections of this road have already been closed, blocked off by snow.”
I look around, and all I see is a sea of white underneath a gray sky. Somewhere beyond, I know there’s Lake Johnson. It’s close enough, but the constant snowfall makes me feel cut off from anything and everything. I’m alone out here, alone with two babies who depend on me for their safety.
“Can I see your badge, Sheriff?” I ask politely. “I just need to be sure.”
The sheriff nods and takes the badge off his belt, then brings it forward with cautious steps. I notice his other hand is resting on his weapon. I inspect it quickly and allow myself a sigh of pure relief. “I would like to help you,” he says. “The temperatures are set to drop well below zero before dawn.”
“Thank you, Sheriff. Can you take us to the police station at least? Or a motel in North Platte?”
He comes closer as he replaces his badge, his gaze softening as it settles on my face. I must look like crap.
“Is Daniel your husband?” the sheriff asks.
“Ex-husband. I have a restraining order against him. But he came after us anyway.”
“Did that happen tonight?”
“Yes, sir.”
Miley pipes up from behind me. “Momma! Are we going home?”
“Oh, God, I need to get them out of this cold,” I burst into tears. This is it. My breaking point coming at the worst possible time. I can’t control my body from shuddering as I drop my head on the steering wheel and start crying my heart out. “I had to get away from him but the car… I knew I’d need to get a mechanic to check it before I took it out on the road again but Daniel… my girls… we need help.” And then it hits me. “Oh, no, no. NO!” I cry out as I frantically pat my coat’s pockets.