Page 19 of Mountain Defender
“With me,” he added.
Her eyelids drooped over her eyes in a slow blink. “I’m good. Okay, where do we get a room?” She looked around and spotted a bright sign for a motel.
“We’ll grab rooms right after I finish pumping the gas.” She didn’t sound very damn chipper about the prospect, which put a broad smile on his face. “And you can stop limping now. You’re fine.”
“You don’t know my pain.”
She said nothing, just finished pumping gas into the tank and then replaced the nozzle. He made a show of dragging his leg until he was out of view, then he climbed into the passenger seat again.
When she got in beside him, she said, “That motel looks sketchy.”
“Not any other options.”
“What if there are bedbugs?”
“I’ve slept with my head in the mud. Bugs don’t faze me.”
“Well, I don’t want to take a bag full of bedbugs home with me.” She started the engine and rolled through the parking lot to a side road that would lead them to the motel.
“Where is home?” He didn’t especially care. He didn’t know why he was making an attempt at chitchat either. He wasn’t the talkative type.
“I travel all over.”
“You must have a place though.”
“I do.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t be popping by for a visit. And if I do, I’ll be sure to leave my favorite filet knife at home.”
She lolled her head to the side so he could get the full effect of her exaggerated eye roll. Only it didn’t have the power she was going for, since the streetlights panned across her face, lighting up her sea-green eyes like shimmering glass.
When she braked to turn into a parking spot, the tires skidded on ice.
“Oh!” Her breathless exclamation worked deeper under his skin. The last time a beautiful woman made a sound like that, she was spreading her thighs for him.
He only prayed their rooms weren’t adjoining. If he decided he wanted her, no door would stop him.
He didn’t want her.
I don’t want her.
I really don’t.
Then why was he half-aroused at the thought of busting into a room and pinning her against the wall?
By the time his brain straightened out, Alexia had control of the vehicle and slid into a spot. She cut the engine and jumped out before he could caution her about the ice on the—
Her legs went out from under her, and she let out a cry as she grappled for a grip on the door to hold herself upright.
He bit back a chuckle.
“Are you laughing at me, Tripp?”
“I’d never.”
“Yes, you are!” She got her feet beneath herself and tugged her coat down to her hips.
“Want me to get the rooms?”