Page 28 of Mountain Defender
Call her petty, but she didn’t like the thought of even their bags touching, so she tugged hers a few inches away before climbing into the passenger seat.
As soon as her backside hit the leather, Tripp said, “Was that really necessary?”
She raised her brows. “What?”
He purposely twisted to look at their bags on the back seat.
After following his gaze, she whipped around to face forward again. “Yes.”
“You really are grumpy in the morning.”
“Would you quit saying that? I’m not grumpy because it’s morning. Did you ever stop to think you’re causing said grumpiness?”
“Not really.” God, his voice was so chipper it was grating, but in contrast, the dash lights cast his teeth with a blue glow that lent him an almost wolfish appearance.
A shiver ran through her. She couldn’t forget that this man was a military-trained killer or forget her reason for being with him.
He turned his attention to the road. “Sit back and relax. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.”
At his suggestion, she immediately felt her body relax into the contours of the seat. The second she realized what she’d done, annoyance swept through her. What was it about his deep rumbling voice that made her want tolisten?
A glance at the speedometer also revealed that he was much more confident driving on the slick road at a higher speed than she had been the previous day.
That’s only because I don’t want to pitch us off the side of the mountain.
He didn’t seem to have any of those concerns, though.
The movement of the vehicle lulled her. Before long, the warm air blowing through the vents enveloped her body.
Next thing she knew, daylight broke through the dark haze in her brain.
“Rise and shine, princess.” The energetic tone made her pinch her eyes shut harder rather than open them.
She inwardly moaned. “Did I fall asleep?”
“Yup. You even snored.”
Her eyes snapped open, and she jerked her head to look at him. “Did not.”
“Whatever you say.”
She folded her arms over her chest. “I never sleep in the car. I don’t know what happened.”
“You didn’t get much rest last night.”
“No doubt, whensomeonewas taking up the entire bed.”
The sun had risen while she slept. Bands of light stretched across the mountain range and turned the ice into a glistening kingdom. Myriad shades of blue from ice blue to steel stretched as far as the eye could see and even mingled with the faint, pale blue-gray of the sky.
Alexia sat up straighter in her seat to get a better view.
“Gum?” Tripp extended a pack to her.
“Uh…thanks.” She took a piece and unwrapped it. Did her breath smell? What did she care anyway? It wasn’t like she was going to kiss anybody.
The flavor of mint filled her mouth, making her think of how Tripp would taste.
How they’d taste to each other.