Page 39 of Mountain Defender
Twisting her fist in his coat, she dragged him down again. They shared a sigh as their lips clashed with the same heat they argued with.
When they broke apart, she twisted her head aside, breaths coming hard and fast.
The quick gasp wasn’t a noise he’d heard from her yet.
“Bryson? There’s a…body.”
Her words didn’t immediately register. He turned his head. And saw it.
A soft cry ripped from her.
“Don’t look.” His automatic response was to cup her head and draw it against his chest. The urge to even keep her safe from what she’d seen swelled into something stronger that filled up his whole chest.
Like the need to get her away from this.
Smoothing his hand over her hair, he said the first thing that came to mind.
“Good job, my big, big helper…but why do you always gotta ruin the moment?”
Alexia swung between wanting to punch Bryson in his perfect angular jaw and rubbing her naked body all over him. Sometimes in the same moment. Hell—sometimes in the sameheartbeat.
She finished her phone call to Eric and stowed her phone in her pocket. After their discovery, she’d put a few steps between herself and that body and placed a call for a forensics team.
Bryson walked away from the body. Through the fading daylight, she couldn’t make out his features until he got closer to her.
She closed the gap between them, as if drawn by a cord. “Forensics is on their way.”
He nodded.
She eyed him. “You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?”
“I knew what was going to happen? That we’d discover Caden lying face up in the snow? No. I didn’t know. And I don’t like what you’re suggesting either. If you weren’t so damn impatient, we wouldn’t be out here shivering in the moonlight.”
“We could have full stomachs too,” she muttered.
“You really want to find a body on a full stomach? How many bodies have you seen?”
“Thousands.” Mostly in photos, but he didn’t need to know that. She was no rookie—but her career had taken her on a different path from normal investigations. On cold cases, she examined facts and evidence. In this case, the evidence had been screwed up pretty bad. Now there was another layer to the case and the question of why the body hadn’t been found in all these months and no dogs had been brought to the scene needed answered.
“I had a hunch that we should have waited until morning to do the search,” she mumbled.
“You chose not to find a hotel instead. That’s on you.” He sounded even grumpier than usual, which made him the equivalent of a ticked-off bear coming out of hibernation to find all the food was gone.
“Well, we’re here now. We just have to wait for the team to arrive,” she said.
“How long’s that going to be?”
“They didn’t say.”
“Great. That could be hours.”
Her own irritation was rising, and she didn’t want to think about how she was annoyed with her own behavior above all.
“We could just leave. Get that hotel. Come back in the morning.” Her suggestion made him look at her sharply.
“Do you think those idiots will actuallyfindthe body lying there in plain sight when they failed to before?”
“I thought you came to the scene too. You didn’t find it.”