Page 43 of Mountain Defender
“Don’t be silly—wrap your willy.”
“Jesus Christ.”
Now he was thinking about sinking bareback into Alexia’s tight body.
Rafe expelled a short laugh before ending the call.
Tripp took a moment to collect himself—meaning getting his cock to calm the fuck down—before returning to the Humvee and the beautiful woman waiting there for him.
His boots crunched on the snow that had begun to melt and then turned to ice again once the sun started to drop. As he moved to the driver’s door, he realized how much he needed to get off this property. Away from the terrible shit that had gone down here.
And to feel something real. A meal. A warm bed.
A woman entangled with him, legs twined, his grip on her tight and their mouths moving.
When he opened the door, the scent of her engulfed him on the currents of warm air, making him even harder for her.
She was on the phone and lowered it from her lips enough to say, “Forensics isn’t coming. Something about a big accident and roads closed. A couple local police officers are coming to babysit the body.”
Tripp spotted the cars turning into the driveway. He gestured so Alexia saw them too and then climbed behind the wheel.
Alexia continued her conversation. “All right, Eric. The cops are here. I’m going to talk to them a minute. I’ll speak to you in the morning. Tripp’s back… We’re going to find some food and a hotel. Okay, I’ll be in contact.”
When she ended the call, she shot a look at Tripp. “I’ll just be a minute.”
“I’ll be right here.” He started the engine.
True to her word, she returned after a very brief conversation with the cops and slipped in next to him.
“Everything good with your check-in?” she asked as he backed out.
“Find us a hotel on GPS.”
He felt her slicing looks his way as she searched her app for a place to stay.
This time theyneededseparate rooms.
Alexia swung toward Tripp. “Well, it’s a step up,” she said with a nervous shrug.
Was it, though? It was a king-sized bed. That they’d still be sharing.
He dropped his bag on the floor and moved to the bed. When he plopped heavily to the mattress and gave it the bounce test, she rolled her eyes.
“You’re never going to grow up, are you?”
His eyes gleamed. “Who would want to?”
“I’m going to take a shower.” She needed it to chase away the chill of seeing that body.
Or to cool down after Tripp’s kisses. God, she could still feel the man’s touchbrandingher skin.
He snatched the remote off the nightstand and switched on the TV. “Maybe I can find the game highlights.”
“Ugh. You’re so male.”
He flicked his brows up as if to sayduh. That only made her more aware of just how masculine he was, and in turn, more nervous around him.