Page 55 of Mountain Defender
Tripp had spent much of the past nine months of his life battling to control his rage over a situation he couldn’t control. Now, thanks to Alexia, he was a few steps closer to shutting a door on that chapter and…
What? If he wasn’t pouring his time and energy into finding out who killed Kelsey, where would he shift his efforts?
His teammates were good about using their free time for pleasure. At the base, they were watching sports, betting among themselves on sports, and playing cards. When they weren’t engaged in those things, they liked to eat.
As Tripp drove into the parking lot of a small, dingy diner, Alexia groaned. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re hungry? Again?”
He tossed her a look and put the Humvee in park. “One thing you need to know about me is that I’ve spent far too many days and nights with an empty belly because I’m too busy fighting. As a result, we eat when we get a chance and often, princess.” He twitched his head to indicate they should go inside and sit down.
As she reached him, he held the door for her and he had to force his hand to his side to keep from placing it on the small of her back to guide her to a table.
A waitress spotted them and threw a wave at the wide-open dining room. “Take your pick. I’ll be right with you.”
Alexia issued a soft laugh. “Is that the same waitress that was at the last diner?”
He leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “Pretty sure every place like this has one. You pick the seat.”
When she chose a booth toward the back, she started to slide into one side, but he gave her a gentle nudge toward the opposite seat.
Once they were facing each other, she leveled him in a look. “Care to explain why you didn’t want me to sit there?”
“I get a better view of the room from here.”
She blinked at him. “You want to sit there so you can see danger coming.”
He gave a single nod.
“That’s kind of hot.”
His lips quirked.
“Don’t look so pleased with yourself. All this has to end soon. You know we’re only together one more day, then the big ride back.”
He only twitched a brow at her.
“This little game we played where I suggested that weneedto stay in town for another day—not so I could fuck you like a whore while treating you like a goddess—can go on and on. Maybe you don’t realize just how long we can stretch things out.”
She jolted. “Bryson!”
“What, princess? You know it’s true. I’m not needed back at base at the moment. Rafe says the team is just awaiting our next order. They’re sitting around eating and playing poker.”
The waitress arrived, and they both ordered food. When the woman hobbled away with a painful gait, Alexia shook her head.
“These poor waitresses. I feel like every diner in every town has one who’s been working here for forty years and hates her life. I hope they at least get good tips.”
He studied her. The cold morning had left her face a little pink from windburn. He balled his fists, still feeling her soft body under his hands as she came apart for him.
“Talk to me, Tripp.”
His gaze flicked to hers. “What do you want to know?”
She gave a small shrug. “Start with your comment about having an empty stomach.”
He had been hoping she wanted to hear more about him fucking her like a whore while treating her like a goddess. But at least she didn’t want to hear more about his reaction to seeing the murder weapon in person and his fury with the police after their pitiful questioning.
“Pretty simple. You get into a skirmish, you don’t have time to stop and fix yourself an MRE. You know what that is?”