Page 60 of Mountain Defender
“It happens, though.” The coroner looked between her and Bryson before pulling the sheet back into place. “However, it’s my belief that your killer is ex-military.”
She felt more than saw when Bryson stiffened. The rest of the report wasn’t nearly as important, and they only spent minutes there.
When they walked out, Bryson refused to meet her gaze.
His long legs ate up the sidewalk leading to the parking area. She jogged to keep up with him and then grabbed his arm to bring him to a halt.
He towed her in his wake for a couple more steps before he stopped and faced her. “You don’t have to say a word, Alexia. I know I’m a suspect again.”
Shock rippled through her. “What? No! I don’t think that. I told you I was wrong.”
His face softened at her words.
“Just because someone with military training snapped that guy’s neck doesn’t mean it was you. There are thousands of military personnel across the country, not to mention immigrants who are trained in foreign countries.”
He said nothing.
His stare landed on hers, and she saw the same drive on his face that had put them on this path together in the first place.
“We’re going to find out the truth about what happened to Kelsey,” she promised softly.
A heartbeat passed between them before he nodded. “Let’s find that hotel. And hope there’s a bar. I could use a drink.”
“There isn’t a hotel, motel, AirBnB or bed and breakfast in the entire town.” Alexia twisted in her seat to gape at him. “How do you not know this? I thought you visited.”
Tripp gritted his teeth against shooting off his mouth to Alexia and risking hurt feelings. Though he didn’t know why he cared about things like her feelings anyway. It wasn’t like they were a couple, and after this, they’d never see each other again.
“I always stayed at Kelsey’s place,” he grated out.
She folded her arms. “Well, this is just great. We’re stuck in this town with no place to sleep tonight. And nowhere to—”
He dipped his gaze over her face to her lips. “So that’s the issue. You want a bed.”
“Of course I do. People generally enjoy lying down to sleep!”
He pitched his voice low. “You wantmybed.”
They could drive out of town easy enough. The melting was a fact that Tripp had now learned firsthand would stand in the way of them getting a room anytime soon.
“I have an idea.”
Before she could protest, he put the Humvee into gear and started driving. The sun was dropping fast, which made the wet roads slick. In spots water had pooled on the sides of the road and begun to freeze into a glistening mirror of ice. He took his time and avoided those, but he still noticed how Alexia clenched her hands in her lap.
“Calm down, princess. I’ll get us there safe.”
“Where is there?” Her voice came out a little breathy…like it sounded when he gave her release.
“Someplace with a view, I promise.”
The mountain road switchbacked for several miles. By the time they reached a place to pull off, Alexia’s fingers must be aching from gripping them so tight.
He parked but allowed the headlights to pan over the view he promised. The white beams reflected off every sliver of ice clinging to the trees and projected for a good distance across a valley he knew was beautiful in the daylight.
She let out a gasp. “Bryson! It’s stunning.”