Page 6 of Built of Illusions
Nico had been raised surrounded by kids who hadn’t been lucky in their early lives. She could imagine him as a kid, figuring out what made people who they were. It was probably what made him an excellent profiler. She would bet every bit of information he gave her today would be proven correct.
“It’s hard to say. Maybe the boy frightened her or maybe she knew the father would let her go, but would chase her down if she took the child. Or maybe she didn’t care enough or have room for him in her new life. I think the mother was beautiful and left partially to pursue a career somewhere in the arts.”
Choosing a career over her child. Once again, Josie wondered about her own parents and why they’d left her. She’d decided long ago to believe her mother had been young and scared and alone. Josie had been left at a shelter, wrapped in a blanket and with a note asking someone to take care of her. The note had also named her. That spoke more of youth and despair than neglect or apathy.
But this wasn’t about her. Despite a few rough years, she was a functional adult and her job was to help prevent this man from killing other women because he was pissed at his mother.
Nico spoke again. “I think the mother always wanted to be in show business or the limelight. Something to bring her positive attention. She probably works other jobs while trying to fulfill her dream.”
“You think she’s alive?”
Nico’s beautiful dark eyes returned to hers. “Probably. For now.”
A chill ran through Josie. “You think he’s planning to kill her?”
For a long moment, Nico said nothing. Then he finally nodded slowly. “I do. I think he’s practicing, preparing. When he finds the perfect way to make her suffer, I think he’s going to find her.”
Chapter 3
In A Different Light
Nico wished he could call back his words, or turn back time and not call Josie in at all. She might present a tough façade, but she wasn’t nearly as hardened as she wanted people to believe. Her sarcasm, hippie-dippie outfits, and devil-may-care manner protected a soft heart. Those photographs would haunt her.
To top it off, he’d told her the man she was sketching was planning to kill more women and then his mother. And Nico had done it because he needed her help. Instead of thinking of Josie’s heart and well-being, he was using her empathy. His cause was good, but he still felt like a jerk.
He sat and watched her sketch. He couldn’t see the page, and she’d explained she wanted it that way. That left him free to study her. While she was concentrating on the work, her brows furrowed in concentration. He wanted to reach out and smooth away the frown. Tuck that long black curl behind her ear. Maybe drop a kiss there.
Damn. Not again.
The woman got under his skin with no effort at all. He had to resist. This free-spirited artist wanted nothing to do with his dark world. He wondered again why she volunteered her time with them. That was a question she never answered, but he suspected the root was something dark in her own past.
Any relationship with him would only bring those dark memories back. He didn’t want to see Josie hurt any more.
Her eyes flashed up at his and he blinked quickly, ensuring none of the desire he felt showed. His fingers might still be craving the touch of her hand, but he was an adult. He could restrain himself.
Josie’s cheeks flushed and she looked back at her work. “Anything else to add?”
Nico swallowed before answering. He needed to stop imagining that flush covering the rest of her dusky skin as he slowly removed her flirty dress. A hard swallow gave him time to make sure his voice was controlled. “He’s probably got a job that pays well. The job is either a remote job done via the computer or one that requires travel.”
Nico watched her nod and her pencil moved over the paper again.
After a few moments, Roman returned and sat in the other chair. Josie smiled absently, but kept working.
When she looked up, she turned to Roman. “I’d like to get your impressions of the man now.”
Nico leaned back in his chair, curious as to what his partner would say. Nico had been keeping some of his thoughts to himself, but it was time to share. They each had solid impressions of this guy.
Roman picked up his coffee mug and sipped. He looked at Nico first. “We ready to share it all?”
Nico nodded. They worked better when they each developed their own theories and then shared. But this was the second crime they’d personally seen and Nico suspected there were at least six more that were connected.
Roman turned back to Josie. “Mid-thirties. White dad, Latina mom. She dumped them for the limelight and because the dad was an abusive asshole. Either she didn’t want the kid or the kid didn’t want to go. He’s probably got a decent IQ and job. He’s killing people who remind him of his mom because life got worse after she left.”
Nico grinned. Roman used far fewer words, but their suspicions were almost identical.
Josie nodded and worked on her sketch while they watched and waited.