Page 7 of Carly's Heart
Yeah, that was it. Hormones, not the stud sitting beside her.
♥ Chapter Five ♥
“I’m sorry to bother you, Buck,” Carly said. “Can you take a peek at my car? It’s making the craziest noise. I don’t know if it’s something or nothing. The garage is closed for the weekend. It started on the way out here for brunch.”
“I can look at it,” Birch said from the other end of the dining room table. His dad gave him a ‘watch yourself’ stare. “You stay inside out of the heat with Tanya, and I’ll take it for a quick test drive.” His father’s scowl turned to a proud smile.
“What a lovely idea,” his mother praised. “We can’t put that sweet little girl in jeopardy before she even arrives.”
“Oh, I don’t know what the baby will be,” Carly declared. “I’ve decided to let it be a surprise. The doctor assures me Little Bean is healthy and that’s all that matters.”
“Oh, I’m certain it’s a girl,” Helen exclaimed. “I’m never wrong.”
“Superstitious nonsense,” Buck declared shaking his head.
“I’ve never been wrong,” she huffed. “You were certain Tanya would be a boy.” She smiled softly. “But she turned into my darling daughter.”
“A daughter that made the Dean’s List this semester. I can’t believe I’m halfway through my program.”
“Congrats, sis. That’s great.” Her work-life balance was really paying off. Meanwhile, progress on his house was slower than he wanted it to be. At least the walls were up and the shingles on. He had finished the wiring. Next week an inspector would be out for another round of approvals. He couldn’t wait until it was done to show it off. None of the family had ventured over to peek yet. At least not that he was aware of. The work was slow, sometimes painfully slow. But it was important for him to do it all himself. That took time, especially since he worked here, on the family ranch, as well as having his own chores and animals to take care of. Sometimes his house seemed to be more hobby than life plan, but he was getting there.
He wondered what Carly would think. Not because he thought she’d be living there, though a guy could hope. He’d heard her say she preferred bungalows and adored a large kitchen. He had both of those, and coincidentally, several other things she’d mentioned, like large closets, a covered deck, and a fireplace in the master bedroom.
“I’ll be back later for dessert,” he said. “Brunch was excellent, thanks Mom.” He cleared his plate to the sink and hurried outside.
“Keys are in it,” Carly called. “Maybe I should go help him.”
“Nonsense,” Buck said. “He’s very mechanical. He can fix anything with an engine and wheels. He’ll have it diagnosed before you even get out there.”
Birch slowed in the entry. Conflicting emotions battled him. A good man wouldn’t go for a nearly single, not yet divorced, pregnant woman. But he’d wanted Carly for so long, he could barely keep his distance.
Maybe someday.
He slipped into his boots and tromped outside to fix her junker. She needed a better car. He had some buddies that might have leads. He shot out some texts saying his sister’s friend needed safe, cheap wheels. They’d let him know what they had, or if they heard of anything that might be suitable. Basking in the simple happiness of doing something extra for Carly, he slipped behind the wheel and started the engine.
It didn’t take long to find the problem and he was back inside in under ten minutes. He joined Carly and his family where they lingered over coffee. “Simple problem to fix. You need new brake pads.”