Page 101 of Wild Ride
“Yep. That’s the conversation I’m saving for tomorrow. Eat your salad. You’ve got to get that plateful done before your fuckin chicken gets here.”
“Jesus, Travis. I’m eating as fast as I can. You’re gonna make me get fuckin heartburn.”
“Heartburn? When did you ever have heartburn?”
“Never. Tibor always told me the food I made for him gave him fuckin heartburn.”
“Luckily, the state is making his food now and you don’t have to care if he has heartburn or ass burn or anything else.”
Tammy giggled. “Nope.”
The food was good, but after all the salad Tammy ate, she couldn’t finish all of her fried chicken. She wrapped what was left and took it back to the hotel for the dogs.
Chapter Eighteen
Sunday, November 4th.
Holiday Inn. Cheyenne. Wyoming.
The dogs woke me up and for a minute, I didn’t know where in hell I was. I glanced over and Tammy was still asleep in her bed.
Max and Sarge were in a strange room, and they needed to get outside to do their morning business. I got out of bed, pulled my jeans on, and grabbed my smokes and the room key.
The dogs whining at the door woke Tammy up, and she sat up. “Is it time to get up?”
“The dogs have to go out. I’ll feed Outlaw while I’m out there. You grab a shower and I’ll use the bathroom when I come back smelling like a horse.”
Outlaw was more subdued and when I gave him a carrot, I assured him it wouldn’t be too much longer, and he’d be free of the trailer.
I put the dogs in the back of the truck thinking Tammy and I would grab a bite to eat in the breakfast room and we’d be on our way.
She was dressed when I got back to the room and staring at a map that the hotel had left in one of the drawers. “I can’t see where we are.”
“Do you know how to read a map?”
“I’ll show you after I get the horse smell off me.”
She brought the map with her when we checked out and headed into the breakfast room. “They’re giving us food for breakfast besides the soap and shampoo?”
“Complimentary breakfast.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“It’s included in the price of the room,” I said. “Believe me, I’m paying for the food. Go help yourself. I’m getting a coffee.”
Tammy came back to our table with a plate of eggs, sausages, a bagel with cream cheese, a banana, an apple and two different kinds of yogurt.
“Are you going to eat all that?”
“I might save some for later.”
I got myself some scrambled eggs and toast and jam. That was enough to get me started.
Tammy ate most of what she had taken, saving only the fruit and one yogurt.