Page 77 of Wild Ride
“I’m kinda busy.”
“You can keep on pulling teeth while I ask my questions.”
“What if I don’t want to answer your questions, Deputy Johnson?”
Billy was surprised Thorn remembered his name. “Then don’t answer them here, I’ll be forced to ask you the same questions at the station in Coyote Creek. It’s that simple.”
“Am I under arrest?”
“Should you be?”
“Haven’t committed a crime.”
“That we can prove. Is that it?”
Thorn didn’t answer.
“Tell me about Mrs. Concordian and her friend Carter Raza coming to see you yesterday. You told the sheriff you didn’t know the deceased or his wife. Remember that?”
“Yeah, I remember I said that.”
“Was it a lie?”
“Not completely. I just didn’t recognize Chris when he was frozen and all chewed up like he was.”
“So you knew the deceased. How?”
Thorn shrugged. “He’d been hunting at the back of the ranch a few times and I talked to him once or twice.”
“What did you talk to Chris about?”
“Hunting and stuff liked that. He talked about survival a lot. Kind of fixated on it.”
“Uh huh. What did the wife want yesterday?”
“She wanted to see where Chris was found. Seemed like she was looking for something.”
“What was she looking for?”
“His truck keys and his wallet. Stuff like that.”
“The coroner would have taken all of that with the body,” said Billy.
“I told her I saw Sheriff Frost with the wallet in his hand. That’s all I knew.”
“What about the guy with Mrs. Concordian? Did you know him?”
“Never seen him before.”
“Was he helping her look around for the keys?”
“Yes. He seemed to be running the show.”
“In what way?”
“I heard him say, we’ve got to find those keys, Suzie.”
“Sounds like the keys were important to him,” said Billy. “Why would that be?”