Page 17 of Captured Desire
Annoyed, I stalked downstairs to my cabin and locked the door. The video monitor for her room was set up on my desk. I tapped the screen and sank down as a grayscale image flickered to life.
She was sitting on the bed, arms still wrapped around her knees. She wasn’t crying, but her eyes looked puffy. Shifting, I adjusted myself and tried to ignore the half-boner beneath my zipper.
It wasn’t her, it was purely physical.
She was gorgeous. Taller than I liked usually, maybe five-five, with a lean frame, big, heavy tits, and just enough ass to squeeze in my hand. But even those things paled in comparison to her full mouth and big, blue eyes. Her messy hair was golden at the end and got darker the further it went up.
It was probably all fake, I thought dismissively.
But…I didn’t care. Fake or not, she was annoyingly perfect and it made me want to go down there and dump her over the side of the boat and make her swim home.
On the screen, she got up and began circling the room until she found the bathroom. She took the bowl of vomit and disappeared into the tiny room for a moment. When she reappeared, she was cleaned up and the bowl was washed out.
She began pacing again. Running her fingers through her hair and knotting it at the nape of her neck. She had all these bohemian style rings on her fingers, tipped with square, natural nails. I wasn’t usually into that style, but on her body…fuck me.
All she wore was my button up shirt. It came down to the middle of her thighs, revealing her legs. Fucking beautiful, curvy legs. I scowled, glancing down at the front of my pants. My sudden half-boner had disappeared, but I could feel the pressure, just waiting for its next opportunity.
There was a sharp knocking on the door. Grateful for the distraction, I got to my feet.
“Come in,” I called.
One of the crew members, a tall young man, appeared in the doorway. “We’re here, sir. We have the boat set up to take you to shore.”
I turned the security monitor off. “Alright, I’ll get the girl.”
He nodded, stepping aside to let me walk by. I strode down the hallway, so narrow I had to angle my body, and walked right into her room without knocking. She whirled, giving a little gasp, and stared up at me with her mouth hanging open.
I could see a flash of her pink tongue past her teeth. The same tongue that had licked the underside of my cock like it was the best thing she’d ever tasted.
I cleared my throat. “Are you going to come quietly, princess, or do I need to put you over my shoulder?”
There was a short silence.
“At least…come quieter than you did the first time,” I said, unable to bite my tongue hard enough to keep the words in.
She bristled and hurried to conceal it, but I caught a glitter of defiance, deep in her eyes. Finally she gave a barely perceptible nod and wrapped her arms around her body. Covering the outline of her nipples visible through my shirt.
“Fine,” she said flatly.
She looked so afraid, so defeated, that it roused something in my chest. Without thinking, I reached out and took hold of her chin and forced her to look up at me. Her breasts heaved, her body tensed, but she refused to meet my eyes.
“Look at me,” I ordered.
She shook her head once.
I felt my brow arc and I slid my hand beneath her jaw and forced her to turn her face up to mine. Her eyes narrowed, pure hatred passing through them in a wave. Then she spat at me, missing by a mile.
She fuckingspatat me.
For a second, I just stood there, too shocked to comprehend. Being the brother of one of the most powerful men in the city gave me a lot of privilege. Women tripped over themselves for my attention, they did exactly what I wanted. They did not spit on me unless I asked for it.
There wasn’t a single shred of regret in her eyes. No, her jaw was jutted into my palm and her gaze was narrowed on me. Crackling with fire.
“If I were you, I’d treat me with a little more respect,” I said coolly. “Considering how disadvantaged you are as my prisoner on an island that no one else knows about.”
Some of the fight drained. “An…island?” she whispered.