Page 19 of Captured Desire
“I won’t let anyone see your pussy,” he said. “Me, I’ve already seen it, so what can it hurt?”
I opened my mouth to retort and shut it because my body was a traitor. My nipples ached, painfully aware of how close our bodies were. I turned my head, watching a trickle of sweat move from his dark hair and disappear beneath his collar.
A compound towered over us just beyond the beach. A huge, square building with two stories and a wrap-around balcony. It was surrounded by a thick, tropical garden, with a fountain bubbling by the large front door. If I hadn’t been forced here against my will, it would have been a luxurious vacation spot.
He carried me across the sand and set me down on the stone porch. I stumbled and he caught my elbow, holding me while he punched a number into the keypad. The doors whirred and he turned the knob, pushing them in.
A blast of air conditioning hit me as he pushed me inside, cooling my sunburnt skin. I hadn’t realized how thirsty and tired I was from the boat ride until now.
He strode inside and locked the door, hitting the button to lower the shades in the front window. We stepped into an open living room and kitchen. Still holding my wrist, he crossed the room to the fridge and yanked it open.
“I’ll give you something to eat up in your room,” he said. “And then I expect you to have dinner with me. If you refuse, I will cuff you to the chair and feed you myself.”
“You’re disgusting,” I snapped, before I could stop myself.
He ignored me, pulling open the fridge. “Would the princess like water infused with cucumber or berries?”
I drew myself up. “Cucumber, thank you very much.”
He laughed, taking a glass bottle with cucumber slices in it out and pulling three Uncrustables from the freezer. He put them into a bag along with a granola bar like he was packing me a school lunch. Then he pushed it into my hands.
His hard fingers wrapped around my elbow. I winced and followed him up the wide, stone stairway to the upstairs level. There was a short hallway and a foyer that looked out onto the balcony. The walls were smooth, white wood with brightly colored, block paintings of flowers and tropical leaves. The floor underneath was cool stone.
He steered me to the left and pushed open a door, guided me into a bedroom. I pushed out my lower lip and wriggled my bound arms. His mouth thinned and he unfastened the binding. The blood surged back down my arms and I rubbed my wrists, my hands tingling.
“You can stay up here while I sort out some things,” he said.
I turned, sending him a venomous glare. “So that’s your plan? Just lock me up with a few snacks?”
He looked me up and down with uncomfortable slowness. I wasn’t sure why I cared. He’d seen me naked, he’d put his mouth on the most intimate parts of my body. He’d watched me writhe and beg for him. That was ten times more humiliating than anything he was doing right now.
But still…I hated how vulnerable I felt under his hot, dark eyes.
“That’s my plan,” he said finally.
“Okay,” I said, taken aback by his honesty. “Can I get some real clothes?”
He gestured towards the open bathroom door, a stone tub visible just beyond. “I had housekeeping bring some clothes up for you. Tomorrow I’ll take you somewhere and buy you more.”
I glanced back and forth, between him and the bathroom. “You’re a weird kidnapper.”
“How so?” he said, stepping back into the hall.
I put my hands on my hips. “Well, you gave me snacks and cucumber water. Now you’re going to take me out shopping.”
His brow arched and his lips parted, a flash of canine showing. A little shudder went through me.
“Now that you’re here, I’m sure I can make you useful,” he drawled. “I don’t trust you for a fucking second, but I need arm candy while I handle some business. You’ll look good on a yacht, hanging off my arm like a good girl.”
I gaped, heat moving over me in a rush. “I will not be your arm candy.”
He shifted, his untucked shirt falling back and revealing the butt of his gun. I stepped back, fear bolting through my chest. Had he shown it to me on purpose?
“You will do as I say,” he said softly.
He shut the door and I heard the lock whir. Anger overtook the panic and I darted forward, turning the handle and tugging on it fruitlessly. My fists came down on the hard surface, pain splintering up my forearms as I beat on it.
“Hey,” I screamed. “Fuck you, let me out, you fucking asshole!”