Page 69 of Captured Desire
The bathroom door creaked open and she appeared. She was in my t-shirt and it swamped her, coming halfway down her thigh. I paused and took a moment just to take in the sight of her in my clothes.
It looked right, it felt right.
“Hungry?” I asked, my voice oddly hoarse.
We hadn’t resolved anything in the tub, but I felt much better when I joined him in the bed. Maybe it was because he’d listened to me and he hadn’t laughed or dismissed me when I’d dumped all my messy emotions out onto him.
Or perhaps it was because he’d told me he had feelings for me and then he’d gotten oddly quiet.
A concierge knocked on the door and handed Duran a stack of sheets and a comforter. I stood back awkwardly, my head spinning, while he made up the bed. He tucked the comforter down and pointed to the bed.
“Get in,” he said.
“You’re being a little demanding,” I teased, offering a shy smile.
His brow crooked. “Get your ass into bed, princess.”
This time, I listened. He set the platter of food down between us and lifted the lid. A cloud of steam rose and revealed a whole lobster decorated in lemons and smelling of butter. There was a bowl of rice, a dish of steamed vegetables, and a plate of crisp rolls with butter.
My stomach growled and twisted. I’d forgotten I was starving.
I reached for a roll and his hand closed around my wrist. Shocked, I looked up into his midnight eyes and a shudder moved through me. Sometimes he could look so stern it was scary.
“What?” I frowned.
“You let me,” he said. “Open your mouth.”
Surprised, I felt my jaw drop open. He tore off a piece of bread and dipped it in cinnamon butter and put it on my tongue. I chewed carefully and swallowed, not taking my eyes off his fingers. There was a bit of butter on his thumb.
I leaned in and captured it between my teeth.
His pupils dilated. “Fuck,” he murmured.
Keeping my eyes locked with his, I sucked the butter from his finger and pulled back.
“Do you know what I think, Duran?” I whispered.
He cocked his head, lip lifting just enough to flash those white teeth. That fucking pointed canine. My hips shuddered, wishing I could feel it sink into the soft flesh of my ass.
“I think you like dominating me a lot more than you’re letting on,” I said. “You pretend you’re so easygoing, but I can see who you really are.”
“Oh?” His mouth barely moved.
“I want you to help me,” I said quietly. “I don’t want to feel this shame anymore. If I have to do whatever you want, that’s fine with me. Just fix me.”
I knew it was too much to ask, but if he couldn’t fix me, no one could.
“Alright,” he said. “Let’s start by getting you fed.”
My stomach fluttered and I swallowed past the lump in my throat. This time it wasn’t from tears. It was from breathless anticipation.
“And then?”
He kissed me. “And then we’re going to sleep.”