Page 10 of The Fiancé Hoax
Felicity flushed red and shook Inga’s hand. She gave Inga a warm smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Inga.”
“You too, Felicity. I’d love to stay and chat but my husband needs me at home.” She looked at me before hurrying toward the door. “Thanks, Cooper.”
“See you soon,” I said as Inga left.
I turned to Felicity with a grin. She gave me an apologetic look and fidgeted with her books.
“Felicity, let me introduce you to my daughters.”
Eva was already standing before Felicity with a big smile on her face. “My name’s Eva Pierce. I’m eight years old.”
Felicity grinned as she shook her hand. “Hi, Eva, eight. I’m Felicity.”
She turned to Lily, who buried her head against my neck.
“And this one is Lily,” I said. “Say hi, Lily.”
Lily turned to face Felicity, and a timid smile appeared on my daughter’s face. “Hi.”
“Hello, Lily. How old are you?”
Lily hid her face again.
“She’s six,” Eva answered. “She’s shy.”
Felicity nodded. “Oh, I understand. Eva and Lily. Eight and six. It’s so nice to meet you both.”
She looked at me, a trace of guilt on her face. Sorry, she mouthed.
I grinned at her. She’d been sexy as hell when she was angry.
Eva looked up at me. “Daddy, Inga said that Mommy canceled our spring break visit. We’re not spending a week with her?”
“No, sweetheart, you’re not.” I brushed her hair out of her face. “I’m sorry.”
“She always cancels.” Eva crossed her arms over her chest with a pout, and Lily pressed her head against my neck.
“Let’s talk about this at home,” I said.
Felicity looked at the girls sympathetically, then at me.
“Their mother and I are divorced,” I explained.
“I see,” Felicity said.
“What’s that?” Eva pointed at the wig Felicity clutched in her hand.
“Oh, this. It’s a wig.” Felicity looked down at the frizzy mass.
“Were you wearing it?” Eva asked.
Felicity looked uncomfortable. “I was, um, hiding from someone earlier.”
Lily lifted her head and squirmed out of my arms. I set her on her feet. She investigated the wig cautiously. “Like hide and seek?”