Page 24 of The Fiancé Hoax
“It's just for three months.” I grabbed an armload of clothes from my closet and laid them on the bed.
Lauren shook her head. “Faking an engagement to win a custody battle? That sounds serious, babe.”
“It is serious. Those little girls belong with their dad, from what I can tell.” I begin to fold a peasant blouse. “Besides, this is the only way I can get Cooper to help Moonstone.”
“I just don't want you getting tangled up in some big emotional mess.” She blew a strand of red hair out of her face. “I don't want you getting hurt, Felicity.”
I smiled and squeezed her shoulder. “I appreciate your concern, but you don't need to worry about me. I'm not going to fall in love with Cooper.”
She looked at me. “What if you get attached to his daughters? It might be hard to spend all that time with them and then have to leave.”
“I can handle it. I like those girls a lot, but I’ve never been great with children. Even in high school, when I was desperate to earn money to buy clothes and my allowance wasn't enough, I didn’t babysit. I worked in fast food instead of taking care of other people's kids.” I laughed. “I've got this.”
My chest tightened. I was mostly confident about this plan, but I couldn't help feeling a little nervous.
Lauren looked at my desk in the corner. It was cluttered with sketches and fabric samples—work I’d brought home from the boutique.
“Do you want me to start packing this stuff?”
“Nah. I'll do it after the clothes.”
She shook her head. “I don't know how you can stand to be so disorganized.”
I chuckled. “Now you sound like Cooper.”
Lauren turned to me, her face long. “I'm going to miss you, Felicity.”
“Hey, come here.” I wrapped her in a hug. “I'll only be gone for three months.”
“I know. But this moldy dump isn't going to be the same without you around here.”
“At least you won't have to deal with me leaving a mess in the common spaces,” I offered.
“That is a major perk.”
My phone rang, and I looked at the screen.
“That's my dad. I better take it.”
Lauren headed toward the door. “Tell Marsh he throws a mean party.” She grinned at me over her shoulder as she left.
I chuckled. “Thanks for your help with the packing!”
I took a long breath, then swiped the phone to answer.
“Hi, Dad.”
“Hello, Felicity.” I could tell right away he was angry. “Did you sneak into my party last night?”
Oh, shit.
Should I deny or confess?
“I, uh, well...”
“Ruth says she saw you and Lauren there.”
I sighed. Time to confess and apologize.