Page 40 of The Fiancé Hoax
The next morning, I felt like I had been hit by a truck.
It was bad enough that I had gone to bed with a heavy heart. I had to fight against everything inside me to pull away from Cooper. Being in his arms was the best feeling in the world. I never wanted to leave.
But I knew I had to.
As I lay there, I wondered how it would feel to sleep in his arms every night.
I had to shut down that kind of fantasy.
This wasn’t a real relationship. This was a business arrangement.
And the sex was a momentary lapse in reason. Even if it was the best sex of my life. Even if Cooper was the lover from my dreams.
The worst part? Cooper thought it was a mistake, too.
Part of me had hoped he would fight me on it. That he’d say we could still have some fun while in our arrangement.
But he had been quick to pull away. Which just confirmed I needed to keep my distance.
On top of everything, I woke up feeling sicker than a dog.
In my bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Wrapping a robe around myself, I dragged myself downstairs. Every step was painful.
In the living room, Eva and Lily were curled up under blankets on the sofa. They looked pale and fatigued. Cups of hot tea steamed from coasters on the coffee table.
“Oh, no,” I gasped, my heart instantly constricting to see them suffering. “You’re sick?”
Eva looked up at my sickly form. “You, too?”
I nodded and plopped into the chair next to the sofa. My entire body ached.
Male voices filtered in from the foyer. “Thanks, Samir,” Cooper said. “I appreciate your stopping in.”
“Anytime,” said the other man, presumably Samir. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Will do.”
The front door opened and closed. Outside, a car started. Cooper appeared in the living room. His eyes fell on me.
“So, you're all sick?”
“Uh-huh,” I muttered. “What is this? Everything hurts.”
“Dr. Sethi came by,” Cooper said. “Friend of mine. He checked on the girls on his way to work. He says it’s a stomach bug.”
“Is that why my tummy hurts so much?” Lily asked.
Cooper sat down between the girls and felt Lily’s forehead. “Yes, baby. And you both have a little fever. But you’re going to be okay.”
“How come you’re not sick?” I asked Cooper.
He shrugged. “I never get sick.”
I tucked my legs underneath me. “I’ll have to close the store today. I can’t go in like this.”