Page 74 of The Fiancé Hoax
“What I want to know is what's up with you and Mr. Bad Boy?” Lauren sat on the stool behind the cash register. She unwrapped her chicken salad sandwich and took a bite.
I felt my face grow warm. “It's going well.”
“Just well?”
My fingers went to his engagement ring, and I smiled. “It’s going great, Lauren. I really like him. He’s sweet and caring. And you should see how adorable he is with his daughters. They have him wrapped around their fingers.”
“Don’t forget the most important part,” Lauren said, swallowing a bite. “He’s amazing in bed, right?”
“Yes. He is amazing in bed. Mind-blowing.” I pulled a chair up to the sales counter with a smile. “And I love living at his house. I really feel like I’m part of the family.”
“So what’s the problem?”
I started to unwrap my sub, my heart constricting a little. “It’s all pretend.”
“It doesn’t sound that way to me,” she said. “It sounds like he cares for you.”
“I don’t know. The sex is incredible, but he hasn’t expressed any interest in a relationship.”
“Is that what you want?”
I looked at her. “Yes. It is what I want. I really like him.” It was the first time I’d admitted it to anyone, including myself.
Lauren shrugged and talked around her bite of food. “Why don’t you tell him that?”
“Because… I don’t think he feels the same way. He would have said something by now.”
“What if you’re wrong, though? Maybe he wants more than just sex, too.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know, Lauren. He hasn’t dropped any hints that he wants anything serious. That was one of his rules in the beginning—no catching feelings.”
“You broke the rule about sex, though,” Lauren pointed out.
“This rule feels different.” I swallowed a lump in my throat. “And if I tell him I’m into him and he rejects me, it would make things awkward.” I shuddered at the thought. “At least this way, I get to enjoy the time I have with him.”
“I don’t know. I think you should be up front with him. He might surprise you.”
I nodded and took a bite of my sandwich, but I wasn’t convinced.
He had the upper hand in this situation—I was living in his house, and we were in this fake engagement for his kids. If he wanted to make it real, he should be the one to say so first. Otherwise, if I confessed my feelings and he didn’t reciprocate, I’d lose everything.
There’d be no chance at being with Cooper. I wouldn’t even get to enjoy our wild nights in his bed anymore.
It wasn’t a good idea to make any drastic moves yet.
We ate our lunch, and the conversation shifted to Lauren’s latest conflict with her boss. I did my best to push aside my disappointment over what I was sure was Cooper’s lack of interest, but it was nagging at me.
After Lauren left, I took an hour to sketch some new designs for my children's line. It helped to channel some of my nervous energy into the sketches. I always felt better once I had a good plan.
As I drew new designs for my girls’ collection, I found new confidence that I would be able to handle the changes coming to Moonstone Boutique.
Next, I went to my laptop and began to order some materials. I would need some new fabrics in bright colors for children.
The chime on the door rang and I looked up to see my father walk in.
I smiled, delighted that he had stopped by to visit me again.
“Dad!” I rose to my feet.