Page 42 of The Wedding Hoax
“You were almost late.” Grace sighed as she cut Harry off. “Let’s all go sit. Ruby, you’re next to me.”
“It’s an honor and a pleasure.” Ruby smiled before she motioned for Sean to follow her over. Sean had been huddled in the corner of the room with Maxon, seemingly cleaning some dirt off his son’s shoes.
I watched Harry’s excitement deflate as Ruby and Grace walked away, and something inside my heart twisted at the sight.
He’d been excited about something, and it was like it didn’t even matter. I didn’t know if Grace had done it on purpose, but she’d snuffed something out in Harry before it even had a chance to shine.
When I’d first met Harry’s family, I could tell he was the odd man out, but I still couldn’t fully understand why he was so weird about them.
Suddenly, I had a clearer view.
“Should we go sit down?” I asked him as I took his hand. “And is there a right answer and wrong answer to where we’re supposed to sit?”
He let out a small laugh. “Did Ruby try to tell you that? That’s been one of her conspiracy theories ever since her first family brunch.”
A few moments later, Harry, my mom, and I were seated across the table from the rest of Harry’s family. Harry poured a glass of wine for each of us as I looked over the menu, my mouth watering at each item listed. I’d have to ask Harry later why his parents had menus at a family dinner at home.
“Do any of them know?” my mom whispered to me as she stared at her menu, too.
“Do any of them know what?”
“The truth. About you and Harry.”
My eyes went wide before I whispered back, “No, Mom. They don’t. And please don’t say anything. This whole thing blows up in our faces if they find out—”
“I wasn’t going to say anything. Don’t worry—”
“Eileen, I’ve heard a rumor,” Grace started with a wide grin.
My mom and I exchanged quick, nervous glances. I screamed internally.
Is this really about to happen right now?
I braced myself for impact, grabbing Harry’s hand underneath the table. If we were about to be called out by his whole family, at least we were together—
Even though we weren’t together. Not really. Not at all.
And after Grace exposed us to everyone, we’d probably never talk to each other again.
My heart sank at the realization, my hand on top of Harry’s now feeling uncomfortable and cold.
“A little birdie told me that you love flowers,” Grace continued. “Is that true? Because I love flowers, too. And gardening. I swear, all I need to be happy in this life is my little garden—”
“I love gardening, too!” my mom said, a little too loud. It was obvious that she was relieved. “Or I used to, before the accident. I still tend to the plants that I can, though, and it brings me so much joy.”
“We should work on a garden of our own.” Grace smiled. “I’ve always wanted a gardening buddy. No one else ever wants to see to my plants with me.”
I let go of Harry’s hand underneath the table. “That sounds wonderful,” I said. “I can’t wait to see what you two come up with.”
“Harry? How are things at LA Now?” Harry’s dad asked. “Still going good, I assume?”
“Do I ever give you a reason to doubt it?”
“I’m just checking in, son.” Jonah nodded and grinned. “And I’m glad that you’re still piloting the ship. I was starting to sweat when I thought Sean might actually get a crack at the wheel.”