Page 59 of The Wedding Hoax
It’d been a day since I’d been at Dr. Carlson’s office. In the meantime, I’d been keeping myself busy with anxious cleaning. I’d gotten to the stage when I reorganized everything inside my dresser drawers, when I saw Dr. Carlson’s number lighting up my phone.
“I think you heard me just fine, Simone.” Her tone was lined with a smile. “You’re pregnant. Congratulations.”
“Oh my God!” I unintentionally screamed into the phone. “Oh my God! It’s happening! It’s really happening!”
“Yes, it really is.” Dr. Carlson’s voice was calm. “I’d like to book you for your first prenatal appointment. You could look at your calendar and get back to me or—”
“Put me down for the first one you have available. I’ll be there.” I squealed again before I added, “Thank you so much, Dr. Carlson! Thank you!”
I hastily ended the call before I dialed Taylor’s number.
“Taylor! Meet me at the coffee shop ASAP.”
“Simone, it’s 10:00 a.m.,” Taylor groaned. “Are you asking me to take an early lunch for this?”
“You won’t regret it. Trust me.” I forced myself to keep my next squeal inside. “Bye! I’ll see you there!”
Around fifteen minutes later, Taylor and I were sitting at a table in the corner of the coffee shop. Taylor looked put together, as always, even though she seemed a little more tired than usual.
“I’m trying a new sleep routine,” she offered, like she was able to read my mind. “There’s this thing about trying to match your sleep cycle to your natural rhythm.”
“And? Is it working?”
“According to my natural rhythm, I’m supposed to sleep in four-hour batches.” Taylor frowned. “And yet, for some mysterious reason, it feels like I’m tired all the time.”
“Probably because no one’s supposed to sleep in four-hour batches?”
“I’m going to give it a few more days before calling it quits.” She took a sip of her coffee. “I’m either going to prove everyone wrong, or I’m going to pass out in the middle of a meeting.”
“I feel like Harry wouldn’t appreciate that.”
“Well, if he tries to fire me, I’ll just remind him that I’m the reason he met his wife.”
“Solid plan.” I smirked.
“Anyway, what’s up?” Taylor slightly shifted in her seat. “What was the big emergency you wanted me to come down here for?”
“Oh, nothing.” I casually shrugged. “Just that I’m pregnant.”
Taylor’s eyes went wide. “Okay, either this is a hallucination caused by my sleep deprivation, or you just told me you’re pregnant.”
“It’s the latter. I’m pregnant.” I smiled wide. “I’m really pregnant, Taylor.”
Taylor held up a hand. “Before I react, I need to know. Are we happy about this? Are we feeling weird about this?”
Her mouth suddenly fell open. “Wait. Is it Harry’s? Was this on purpose? Are you trying to make sure your baby’s some kind of heir?”
“I’m happy about this. Really happy.” I beamed. “And yes, it’s Harry’s. But it wasn’t on purpose. In fact, he has no idea.”
“But you’re going to tell him, right?”
“Yes, I will. Eventually, when the time is right. But there’s a part of me that wonders if I even should tell him at all. I already know that he doesn’t want kids, Taylor. And when I tell him the news, he might think I planned it. That I’m some kind of evil mastermind who’s after his money or something.”
“You really think he’d accuse you of something like that?”
“He might.” I looked down at the table. “He might not want anything to do with me after he finds out.”
Taylor reached a hand across the table. “Hey. Simone. Look at me.”