Page 6 of Cade
“Sorry?” She stepped to the side, thinking he needed to get out.
“I asked you about drinks tomorrow?”
April bit her lip and looked up at the god of a man. “Me?” she squeaked.
Tucker’s smooth chuckle rumbled through the elevator. “Yes. There’s no one else in here.”
“I thought you were on the phone,” she admitted. “I’d love to.”
“Awesome. After work, normal work hours anyway?” he asked.
April nodded. “Sure.”
The elevator door opened at the ground floor and she stepped out before him. Unsure of what happened to the universe today, April quickly hurried off. She was too far gone to turn back without looking like a fool before she realized she forgot to tell him bye.
She waved down a cab and headed home. In the back of it, she played with the new app on her phone, taking the time to answer a million questions from Kayla’s matchmaker settings.
“Here,” the driver said.
April looked up, realizing she hadn’t even noticed anything about the ride since they left. “Sorry,” she muttered.
Paying for the cab, she got out and grabbed her computer bag before closing the door. Her phone was dinging as she walked into her building, and she reached down to flip it to silent. Whoever it was needed to wait. It was probably work anyway.
She spoke to the doorman and headed to her apartment. She didn’t have the kind of money for a top-floor apartment, but she did well and didn’t mind the apartment she got on the fifth floor. It was almost affordable and spacious by city standards.
Sure, she’d love a view of more than the street, but this was better than she had when she first started working here. One apartment and four women was a cluster that she’d like to never repeat again. There was always drama somewhere between them.
Finally in her apartment, she looked at her phone, noticing that she did indeed have a few work messages. However, there was one message from the Blind Date app waiting for her.
?: Hi. Nice to meet you.
April stared at the message. It was much faster than she expected to hear from someone.
April: Nice to meet you, too.
She set her phone down and went to her kitchen, taking a quick stock of what she had in the fridge. Nothing. Rolling her eyes at herself, she made a bowl of cereal and carried it to the living room, grabbing her phone on the way.
?: Sorry, this is awkward.
April: Agreed.
?: What made you want to do this?
April: Peer pressure.
?: Same.
The conversation was odd. She hated the get to know each other phase of dating. This was even worse because she didn’t have work as a safe topic to go back to. Any identifiable information was off limits.
?: What are you hoping for out of this?
April stared at the app. She didn’t know what she wanted, probably just that her friend wouldn’t ask her to do this again.
April: I’m not sure, to be honest. You?
?: My sister to stop trying to set me up with people, maybe?
April: LOL, same with my friend.