Page 19 of Princely Agreement
I watch him untangle them before he comes back to me, and when I try to take them from him, he drops to his knees. He carefully holds out one leg at a time for me to step into. I don’t know why, but the act has some of my resolve crumbling. I brace one hand on his shoulder and put one foot in and then the other. He drags them up my legs, pushing my sweater up in the process. When he gets to my stomach, he brushes a kiss across the skin there.
Holy crap. He’s not making this easy. Instead, he’s making me want to be kidnapped.
“Are you always this bossy? I thought you were kinda sweet.” He was possessive and needy that first night. Part of me thought I’d made that bigger in my mind than it really was. Now with him in front of me again, I know I recalled it all correctly.
“Sweet?” He gives a half smile that makes him more handsome. I can’t stop myself from reaching out and fixing his hair. Even if it’s sexier with it being a mess from my fingers.
“A little.” Okay, more than a little, but I can’t give him too much.
When he stands, he crowds me in. “I’ll be the sweetest thing you’ve ever known if you don’t fight me.” His hand cups my cheek tenderly as he looks into my eyes. “But I’ll raise hell if you do.”
With that, he starts to pull me from the room. “What are you doing?” I hiss as I try to dig my heels in. “We can’t walk out at the same time.”
“I’ll carry you out of here if I have to.”
“Stop being a jerk,” I huff. “I don’t like it.” Okay, maybe I like it a little bit. Lies. I love it, but once again, I’m not telling him that.
“You made me this way, Ella. You make me crazy.” I stare up into his eyes and see that he’s not messing around. How do I make this man crazy? I bet he has every girl's panties dropping. I’d know.
“Well, you’re making me crazy!” I snip back at him. “You just randomly kidnap girls and fuck them without knowing their names.”
“Don’t say ‘fuck.’”
“I’ll say whatever the fuck I want.” I stomp my foot like a spoiled child. It actually feels really nice to say it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I shout the last one.
“You’re about to get yourself fucked if you don’t knock it off.” With his other hand, he reaches down and adjusts himself.
“Oh,” I whisper. It turns him on.
“I didn’t know someone could be adorable and so fucking sexy at the same time.”
“Hey, you said it.” Why do I sound like the brat here?
“I did,” he agrees as he unlocks the door. “And I don’t fuck random girls.” He opens the door before I have a chance to respond, but it doesn’t matter because I want to die when I see Oliver standing there.
“Where is her room?” Leo asks Oliver like we weren’t just having sex.
Oliver doesn’t answer him right away, but I can see he’s actually debating if he’s going to tell him or not.
“He’s trying to kidnap me,” I say to make it perfectly clear.
“I know,” Oliver responds and turns to Leo. “Ella might need a second to get her bearings.”
“She’s had a million seconds since the last time I saw her.”
“True. Then why don’t you take Ella to see your home? A change of scenery might help her relax. It would be best for the baby.” Oliver pulls out the trump card.
That knocks some of the wind out of Leo’s sails. “All right,” he agrees and looks down at my bare feet. “We need to get you shoes.”
“I’d like to change.”
Maybe Oliver has the right idea. If I go home with Leo, I could hang out at his house and calm him down. Then maybe he’ll see that this is crazy fast. As much as I’m eating up his obsession, what if it’s temporary? This is my life, and I have my baby and Fiona to think about.
My stepbrothers scare me, but they’ve never done something outright cruel. There’s just a nagging feeling that they’ll do anything to get their hands on Cinder Financial and the Cinder Estate. That’s why I didn’t want anyone to know I was pregnant until the last second.
“You can change,” Leo agrees, but when I try to pull my wrist from him, he doesn’t let go. “Lead the way.”
I have a sneaking suspicion this isn’t going to be a quick visit.