Page 25 of Princely Agreement
Oliver holds up a bag in his hand that I asked him to bring for Leo. We had packed me a bag, but I didn’t count on Leo not leaving my side even long enough to go home and shower. His button-up shirt is a wrinkled mess. So long I’ve felt lonely. Now I can’t get a second to myself. Not that I’m complaining. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Slowly to not wake my husband, I creep over toward Oliver. He sets the bag down by the door. I slip out into the hallway so I can speak to him for a moment.
“He must be exhausted if he didn’t hear me open the door.”
“Yeah. He’s been restless. It’s annoyingly endearing.” I let out a small laugh but cover it quickly so Leo doesn’t hear it.
“And you?”
“I’ve never been better.”
“Good, that’s all we ever wanted.” I grab his hand and give it a squeeze.
“How is Fiona?”
“Zelly keeps her busy. The specialist Leo found is really helping. It also helps that she’s no longer on those fucking drugs.” Oliver grits out the last part.
“Don’t blame yourself. I didn’t know either.”
When I didn’t think Matthew and Jace could get worse, we found out they’d been drugging Fiona. It was partly why her memories would blur together. It wasn’t until Leo stripped through everything in our lives to see what all Matthew and Jace might have done that we figured it out.
That was one I wasn’t going to let slide. We pressed charges. It will do them good to spend some time behind bars. A couple of spoiled assholes. How they could do that to their own mom I’ll never understand. She only wanted the best for them.
Leo really did come along and save us all. That first night I thought he was Prince Charming. I wasn’t wrong. The man is everything I could have dreamed of and more. The rest of his family is too. I adore his mom and sister. They are my family now too.
“I’ll be here in the morning to pick you all up.”
“Thank you.” I kiss him on the cheek before he goes.
“Excuse me.” I turn around thinking I’m going to see a nurse but a girl in a hospital gown is standing there. She’s a tiny thing. Her eyes are wide.
“Are you okay?” She blinks a few times. “I’m Ella.” I step toward her.
“Where am I?”
“We’re at the hospital.” We’re not on any floor. It’s a secure one with only a handful of suites on it.
“How long have I been here?” She tilts her head to the side, and I see a small bandage on the left side of her forehead near her hairline.
“Let me get someone for you.” It’s a little after midnight, but I know the nurses make rounds regularly. She has to be staying on this floor or she wouldn't have gotten past security to get on it.
“Annabelle!” I hear a deep voice bellow, making both of us jump. I spin back around to see a giant man at the end of the hallway. A nurse pops out of one of the rooms. The man's eyes are locked on the girl next to me.
Without thinking, I move in front of her. The man comes storming down the hallway toward us. Before the man makes it close to me, Leo is bursting out of my room. He must have put our son back in his bed.
“The hell is going on?” He goes toe to toe with the man. They’re the same height, but the other man is built like a lumberjack. He kind of looks like one, but instead of a flannel shirt and jeans, he’s got on slacks and a button-up shirt that’s rolled up to his elbows. The girl grips the make of my gown.
“Leo, move.”
“The fuck, Damien?” They know each other. Is that like a rich people thing? All of them know each other?
“You need to calm down.”
“You’re standing between me and what’s mine,” the man growls. Both Leo and I turn our heads to look at Annabelle. This Damien is three times her size.
“You do that to her?” I accuse.