Page 146 of Eight Years Gone
Jagger glanced again at the kid who looked so much like Logan, then turned and left. It was unlikely they would hear from him, but he’d done what he could.
Getting behind the wheel, he secured his safety belt, then reversed, eager to drive the two hours home to Grace. They had dinner to make and packing to do. They were heading to Montana in three days.
Jagger walked into the bedroom, wearing a pair of ratty gray sweat joggers as he carried a bag of travel snacks. “I grabbed the granola bars and mixed nuts. Do you want the apples, too?”
Fresh out of the shower, Grace glanced over her shoulder, wrapped in her dark-pink robe with her hair tied back in a messy bun. “It’s a six-hour flight, and our connection in Denver is tight. Snacks might be all that we have until we get to Bozeman.”
He nodded. “I’ll grab a couple for us.”
“Thanks.” She sent him a smile, then looked back at the list on her iPad. “Other than my camera equipment, I think we have everything.”
Unable to resist, he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. No matter what she wore, Grace was sexy as hell. He breathed in the scent of soap and shampoo as he settled his cheek against hers. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow—to spending this next week with you.”
She hummed her agreement, leaning her weight against him as she set her iPad on the suitcase, then brought her hands up to rest on his forearms. “Our first real vacation without chaperones.”
He grinned. “They sort of cramped our style on our junior year trip to Europe.”
She turned her head to meet his eyes. “Mostly they did.”
He chuckled, knowing she remembered them sneaking into the hotel bathroom for a couple of quickies after her two roommates finally fell asleep.
“Those were good times.” Dropping the bag of snacks on top of their luggage, he moved his hands to palm her breasts. “Thinking about you pressing your face into my neck to stay quiet is getting me hot.”
Her breathing changed as she wiggled her ass against his erection. “That might be why I brought it up.”
He quickly untied the knot in the belt on her robe, tossing the entire thing away, sensing that Grace wasn’t looking for romance. “You’ve always been smart.”
She moaned, locking her arms around the back of his neck while he teased her nipples to points. “I certainly have my moments.”
Already revved high, forever turned on by Grace, he lowered his hand down to play. Rubbing, circling, invading sensitive skin, he loved the sound of each whimper and gasp—the way she grew wetter as she started to tremble.
“Right there. Right there. Keep doing that,” she begged. And then her arms pulled him closer as her thighs tightened before she froze, calling out as she went wild.
“Damn,” he murmured, waiting for her climax to ebb before he freed himself from his pants, then walked her to the bed, bending her over the mattress, yanking her hips up to enter her from behind.
He groaned, sinking deep, making certain each slow thrust hit her just right, loving her loud moans.
“Jagger,” she choked out, clutching at the sheets as she pulsed around him, orgasming again.
He moved to turn her over. “Come here,” he panted out, wrapping his arm around her waist, bringing her to the middle of the bed.
“Right now, Jagger,” she said with rosy cheeks and blue eyes glazed with passion.
He heard his primal groan as he shoved her knees to her shoulders, pushing himself deep into Grace’s tightness. “You feel so good, Gracie.”
“Fast,” she whispered. “Go fast.”
Nearly undone, he gave Grace what she wanted, pumping his hips like pistons, staring into her eyes.
And then she tipped her head back, calling his name.
With a final thrust, he followed, groaning loudly as he jerked with the power of his pleasure.
“Gracie,” he said, letting her legs go, settling his body on top of hers.
She hummed her satisfaction, kissing his neck as her arms came around his sweaty waist. “That was top-notch, Mr. Tennyson.”