Page 160 of Eight Years Gone
Grace sighed. “As you know, I’ve been reading Mom’s journals. In Mom’s last entry, I found some unexpected information.”
Aunt Maggie raised her brow. “Like what?”
Grace glanced at Jagger, then held Aunt Maggie’s gaze. “Um, I have another brother.”
Aunt Maggie’s crystal-blue eyes grew huge. “What?”
Grace nodded, wanting to get it all out. “Dad had an affair. A one-time fling with Jessica Sawyer.”
Aunt Maggie’s eyes popped wide again. “The college babysitter?”
Grace nodded. “Yes.”
Aunt Maggie looked at Asa, then at Jagger and Grace. “Are you sure about all of this?”
Grace nodded again. “Jagger and I met him. His name is Colton, and he’s seventeen. He looks just like Logan.”
Aunt Maggie glared at the ceiling. “Steven Evans, you’re a dirty, disgusting dog.” She closed her eyes as she hung her head. “Grace, I’m sorry I just said that.”
Grace reached over, settling her hand over Aunt Maggie’s. “I’m not offended. All of this has been a shock.”
Aunt Maggie sighed. “Poor Rose. And Grace, I’m sorry your father didn’t know how to be what any of you needed.”
“I’m doing all right.” She looked at Jagger again. “There’s more that I need to tell you.”
“All right. It can’t be any bigger of a surprise than that.”
Grace slid her hair behind her ear. “Colton’s been in some trouble. He stayed with us last night after we picked him up at the Millsdale Police Department.”
Aunt Maggie closed her eyes again. “Dear God, it’s Logan all over again.”
Grace nibbled her lip, worried that this might be too much. “Not exactly. Colton has had some issues with fighting. He’s an angry kid but doesn’t appear to mess around with drugs. He needs love and support.”
Aunt Maggie clicked her tongue as she shook her head. “I imagine Steve was as careless with this boy as he was with you and Logan. And you, Jagger.”
Jagger sat up taller. “I’m tough as nails, Aunt Mags. Just like Grace.”
Aunt Maggie huffed out a laugh. “You always know how to make me smile.”
Jagger sent her one of his excellent grins. “I do what I can.”
Aunt Maggie rolled her eyes as she smiled. “Now, finish what you were saying, Grace.”
“We had dinner with Jessica and Colton tonight. We’ve all decided that Colton will stay with Jagger and me for a while. I need to help him, Aunt Maggie. I need to try.”
Aunt Maggie nodded. “Of course you do. I wouldn’t expect anything less from my sweet girl. When is he coming?”
“Tomorrow. Jessica and I are taking him to the high school to enroll him. Hopefully, they’ll let him start on Monday.”
Aunt Maggie steepled her fingers again. “You can bring him by the shop. I want to meet him.”
Grace shook her head. “I thought you might like some time to digest everything first.”
Aunt Maggie frowned. “I know my own mind, and I know that none of what’s happened is his fault. There’s been enough pain to go around this family for more than a few lifetimes. I can be the bigger person, too. If he’s looking for something to do while he’s settling in, we can put him to work. Goodness knows with the holidays coming, there’s plenty to do. Keeping him busy will be good for him.”
Grace stood, walking around the table to wrap Aunt Maggie up in a hug. “Thank you. For being wonderful.”
Aunt Maggie returned her embrace. “Your mother would be incredibly proud of you, honey.”