Page 190 of Eight Years Gone
She shrugged. “We’re hanging in there. But Colton’s looking out the windows a lot—here and at the shop.”
“Someone’s outside watching you guys at all times.”
She nodded. “He knows. We both do. But he’s been pretty quiet. I think last week really shook him up.”
He sighed. “It’s all going to work out.”
She nodded again. “I think tomorrow will be good for him. I know he’s looking forward to picking out the Christmas tree after school. Amanda’s coming over to help us decorate.”
Jagger was looking forward to their plans, too. He was craving a normal evening. But mostly, he needed Grace. “We’re going to have an excellent Friday night.”
She nodded as she smiled. “Things are running smoothly at the shop, so I’m taking tomorrow off.”
He wiggled his brow. “We’ll have the house to ourselves for most of the day.”
She grinned. “We will. After I ravish you, I want to head to the deli for some fresh meats and cheeses. I’m going to make us a big charcuterie board.”
He raised his brow. “With some of that insanely delicious pepperoni?”
She chuckled. “Of course. And those chocolate-covered almonds, too.”
He nodded. “Hell yeah.”
She grinned again. “I also need to get a new tree skirt. Something extra pretty. I want everything to be perfect.”
“Count me in for all of it.”
She kissed him, letting her lips linger against his. “Welcome home.”
“Thanks,” he said, fighting back a yawn.
Her mouth met his again. “Snuggle up with me for a little while.”
“There’s no place I’d rather be.”
She rolled back over, and he pulled her closer, tucking his face against her neck the way he always did. His plan had been to savor this rare moment with Grace, but he fell instantly asleep.
* * *
Jagger blinked his eyes open in the blinding sunshine when he heard footsteps on the hardwood floor. Rolling over, he frowned, realizing Grace was already dressed in light-pink yoga pants and a white sweatshirt.
She winced as she stood just outside the master bathroom. “I’m sorry. I was trying to be quiet.”
He sat up, glancing at the bedside clock, shocked to see it was just past nine. “How did I not hear you get up?”
She smiled as she walked over, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. “You’re exhausted, Jagger.”
“I imagine Colton left for school a while ago.”
She nodded. “With one of Jason’s guys following behind.”
He scrubbed his hands over his face, finding that he still wasn’t entirely awake. “I wanted to say hello to the kid. I’ve barely seen him all week.”
“You’ll see him this afternoon. Let me get you a cup of coffee,” she said as she moved to stand.
He snagged her hand. “I don’t want a cup of coffee.” In a lightning move, he tossed back the covers, then picked her up, laying her under him on the center of the mattress. “I want you.”
She grinned as she stared at him, tracing her fingers along his beard. “You’re handsome. Even when you need a trim.”