Page 14 of The Sins of Noelle
"You mean she's capable of switching it on and off at will."
Vlad nods.
"But isn't that even more dangerous? At least Bianca can be excused for not understanding right or wrong. Noelle does, and still decides to act as she wants. What do you call that?"
"Smart," he shrugs, his tone holding a certain type of admiration. "Morality holds us back. It's the chain that holds us from truly flying."
"And without morality, we'd have hell on earth," I note drily.
"Maybe. Or, maybe, it would truly be the survival of the fittest," he muses. "When everyone acts in their own best interests without minding others' sensibilities. Maybe at that point it will truly be about abilities instead of politeness," he gives us a wicked smile. "It would certainly be interesting to watch."
"You're getting ahead of yourself," Sisi elbows Vlad. "He's not here to hear your views on morality, Vlad. He's here for advice."
"And this isn't advice?" Vlad's brows go up. "I think it's wonderful advice. Get to know your wife, Raf—really know her limits and what she's willing to do. Only then you will be able to know how to proceed. Although if I were you…" he trails off.
"What?" I roll my eyes.
"If she's capable of all that for you, then I'd ask myself what she's capable of to keep you."
I narrow my eyes at him. He's not…wrong.
"Just…talk to her," Sisi releases a harsh breath. "We can all theorize here all day, but you will only get the information you need out of her."
"But how can I trust her?" I sigh. "I'd like nothing more than to hear everything, listen to her side of the story and try to understand the situation. But how can I trust her? How can I…" I groan at my conundrum.
That is exactly what I am afraid—what I've been afraid of from the beginning. That I would hear the entire story and I wouldn't believe her; or, that I would listen and believe a lie. Neither situation bodes well for the future, for my peace of mind or my goddamn heart. Yet in this case, not knowing might be the least suffering of all.
"I'll ask some of my contacts," Vlad suddenly says. "Maybe we can get more information to corroborate her side. That way you'll know whether she's lying or not."
"Thank you."
"You could also try with her brother. You said he already warned you so he must have more information. If you don't trust her, then try to get more perspectives to see what aligns and what doesn't," Sisi suggests.
"You're right. It's just that…" I take a deep breath. "I have a hard time even being in the same room as her. Knowing what she did…how she lied to me… I can't reconcile it with the Noelle I knew."
"Well, you'll need to eventually," Vlad shrugs. "And the more you put it off the harder it's going to be."
I nod, knowing they are both right but still dreading the confrontation. If what happened yesterday is any indication, then I know for sure it's going to be messy.
But more than anything… I don't know if I trust myself.
I love her. Despite everything, I still love her. So what I'm most scared of isn't what she's going to tell me. It's that I'll forgive her in spite of anything she might say.
"Thanks a lot for the advice," I strain a smile as I get up to leave. "I really needed someone to talk to."
"You're always welcome here, Raf. You know it," Sisi assures me. "Even Vlad can be a good sport about it," she adds jokingly.
Vlad rolls his eyes at her playfully, his arm over her shoulder as he brings her closer to his side.
"You're growing on me," he makes an ultimate concession as I head for the exit. "Now go back to your own wife," he shoos me out.
A smile tips at my lips as I shake my head at him.
"I'll see you soon," I wave as I head to my car.
I steer my car out of their driveway and onto the main motorway to head back to the city. After I plug in the coordinates for Cisco's house in my GPS, I play some relaxing music, leaning back in my seat and trying my best to clear my mind.
The visit was a good opportunity for me to talk to someone other than Carlos and get another perspective—regardless of the fact that everyone will tell me the same thing.