Page 36 of The Sins of Noelle
"Everyone has an acquired compass of what good and bad is. Through experience, we feed more information to that compass, and in turn, it helps us make decisions. But every human being is defined by different experiences, and different reactions to said experiences. As such, the compass becomes a highly personal thing. No two people are going to have the same compass," he paused, looking at her to see if she followed.
She gave a brisk nod, urging him to continue.
"Because of that, what is good to one person can be bad to another. And what is bad to someone, can be good to someone else. The same goes for what people consider abnormal, orodd. It all comes down to their experiences and how they relate themselves to that."
"I think I get it now…" she spoke carefully.
"Do you?" Cisco smiled, pride shining in his eyes.
Noelle nodded.
"You're saying that not everyone will think that I'm odd, right? That at some point, I'll find people who won't think I'm weird."
"That's exactly what I'm saying. You shouldn't let those people drag you down just because they're too ignorant to see what's in front of them. You will find someone who appreciates you for who you are. So don't change, Noelle. Don't change for anyone in the world."
She blinked at him, a ball of warmth unfurling in her chest.
"Ok," she smiled shyly. "I won't," she whispered, lowering her eyes to the ground.
She paused for a moment before she whipped her head up.
"Then why did you bring me here?" She suddenly asked, frowning.
"Because," he laughed. "Despite the fact that I don't want you to change who you are, I think we need to regulate your outbursts a little."
Noelle pouted.
"It's not change," Cisco cleared his throat. "Merely adjusting. Even though they deserved it, you can't go around beating up your classmates. It will get you in trouble, and at the end of the day, is it worth it?"
She shook her head.
"I know the people at your school aren't nice, and I'll try to make mother understand it too. But if you continue like this, you're just confirming their biases."
"You're just feeding their compass more," he rephrased it, "making it so they will continually judge you negatively."
"But what can I do if they pick on me? I can't just…do nothing," she shrugged, almost defeated.
"I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything. You should definitelydosomething. But do it in a way that can't be traced back to you," Cisco winked. "A strategic,lessviolent manner."
Noelle's eyes widened, her lips trembling with amusement.
"I see," she giggled.
"The key, Noelle, is to find a balance."
"What do you mean?"
"A balance between your true self and your social persona. Keep your true self here," he pointed to her chest. "And show the world what they want to see."
"But isn't that still changing yourself?"
Cisco couldn't help but smile at her perceptive question. Yes, his sister was too damn similar to him.
"The world will always seek to change you, Noelle. It will erode at your self and force you to conform to its norms. And unwittingly, you will do it. Because who wants to live against the world?"
"I do," she quipped confidently.