Page 46 of The Sins of Noelle
"You're incorrigible," Yuyu shook her head, though a blush appeared on her cheeks.
So many years and he could still make her blush. He didn't take it lightly, and every time he spotted the stain of pink on her cheeks his heart did an odd somersault in his chest.
She was his woman—his wife. And he never tired of repeating those words.
"I mean it, Cisco. I'm scared she's closing herself to the world before she has a chance to fully experience it. Music is her only focus, and while I know her talent is unique, what about everything else? What about…living?"
"But if it makes her happy?"
"Does it?" Yuyu tilted her head, her expression. "Or is it because she's been told itshouldmake her happy?"
Cisco frowned.
He'd always known emotions weren't his strong suit—particularly recognizing them in himself or another person. It was why Yuyu was his ultimate partner—the yin to his yang. Where his IQ was off the charts, her EQ was equally so. Together, they were the perfect team.
"I've been watching her for years. Yes, shelovesto play. But sometimes…" she trailed off, taking a deep breath. "Sometimes it feels like she's only playing to cover for something else that's missing inside of her."
"I don't know," she sighed in frustration.
Cisco's arms enveloped her as he swooped her up, taking her to their bed and lying her on the clean sheets. He fitted her body to his, his big hands tracing the contour of her curves as he divested her of her silky gown.
"Then we can only be more vigilant and try to help her," he murmured, hoping to placate her.
She gave him a brisk nod before she melted in his arms, kissing his lips and opening herself to him—body and soul.
"You still feel guilty, don't you?" He posed the question a while later, their bodies sweaty from the exertion, their hearts beating in unison.
"There won't be a day in my life I won't regret it," Yuyu whispered, a tear making its way down her cheek.
Cisco found the feeling foreign, but Yuyu already knew that. She knew him far too well to not realize that the only time in his life when he'd felt anything had been with her—only ever with her. Everyone else was merely a pawn on a chess board.
"Do you regret us, too?" he asked, his gaze affixed to the ceiling, his heart stopping in his chest.
He'd never asked her that question before. They'd been through so much to be together—had hurt so many people in the process—and he'd never dared ask her the question.
"Heaven forgive me but I can't," Yuyu said. "I know it's wrong—so, so very wrong. But there's only been one right thing in my life, and that's you, Cisco. From the first time we met, to every little furtive touch and every stolen moment, you've been my final destination all along."
His arms tightened around her as her voice started trembling, her tone wobbly.
"We've been very selfish, haven't we?" she mused softly.
"No," he suddenly said. "I'vebeen selfish. Don't take my sins as yours, Yuyu."
There was a brief pause before she released a dry laugh.
"Let's not talk about sins, my beloved husband. We're both drowning in them."
He didn't reply, so she added, whispered words unintended for his ears.
"I just hope we won't add Noelle to the list."
Though Yuyu was becoming increasingly worried that Noelle was losing herself in her music, eschewing all other aspects of life, Noelle was determined to do just that.
Music was her way out, and she would take advantage of each and every chance to further her career.
Yet Yuyu was right in one aspect. Although music was something Noelle enjoyed, it was also something she'd beenconditionedto enjoy. Taking advantage of her talent, Elena had convinced her from the moment she started playing that her destiny lay in the piano—that her entire identity was wrapped in that one instrument.