Page 56 of The Sins of Noelle
"Thank you so much for this, Yuyu," Noelle told her sister-in-law as they got back to Cisco's home. "I had the best time today," she told her honestly.
"I'm so glad to hear that," Yuyu replied, stepping forward to give her a big hug. "You're going to be spectacular. I just know it," she whispered in her hair.
For the first time, Noelle thought so too.
Everything was going well. Her relationship with music had improved considerably, almost as if by tapping to a hidden part within herself she'd unleashed her true potential. Temporarily living with Cisco and Yuyu before the concert made things even better because there was no more added stress of Elena criticizing her every move.
And though Noelle was bursting with happiness, she should have known that good things never last—at least not for her.
As the day of the concert quickly approached, Noelle practiced nonstop to make sure she would give her best on the stage. Though her performance was short, and just one of tens of others for the day, she had to make her time count.
After a few meetings with the musical director at Carnegie Hall, her piece had been approved and she'd joined the stage rehearsals.
Noelle hadn't known what to expect, but she'd thought she would be able to interact with other musicians. As most of them were older, more experienced and concerned only with their own performance, she'd found it hard to connect with anyone. She'd get at most a few minutes of small talk, and though she tried more than ever before to be more open and social, she didn't manage much.
That was the only drawback of the entire experience. But she resolved to not let that stop her from enjoying herself. After all, she had the chance to perform on one of the biggest stages in the world.
With that in mind, she applied herself even more, so when the big day arrived, she was more than prepared.
That didn't mean that her anxiety wasn't at an all high peak.
"We'll be right in the front row," Yuyu assured her as they reached the venue. "And your teacher and classmates will be backstage. Everyone is cheering you on."
Noelle nodded, the urge to bring her fingers to her lips and bite her nails overwhelming.
"Thank you," she gave Yuyu a tremulous smile, turning back and heading to the dressing room.
A bodyguard was by her side, carrying her dress and shoes.
"Mr. DeVille asked me to stay by your side," he said as they reached the dressing room. "I will be outside the door."
Noelle nodded absentmindedly. The last thing she wanted to worry about was the safety of the venue. Given the fact that it was a public event, anyone could purchase a ticket and attend. She was aware her family had some…shady dealings, and as such had made many enemies. But she'd never given it much thought before.
From a young age she'd been shadowed by bodyguards that it had become second-nature to have them around.
Entering the small room she'd been allocated, she took a seat in front of a mirror. There were a couple other girls inside, both chatting animatedly.
Noelle gave them a shy smile as she opened her make-up pouch and proceeded to add some finishing touches to her face.
Her performance was in an hour, but she didn't want to dress too soon for fear she might stain the dress with make-up, particularly foundation. She loved the gown too much, and considering her penchant to forget to mind her clothes, she didn't want to take any chances.
"Noelle DeVille?" One of the girls frowned as she read her name on the dress cover.
"Yes," she attempted to smile.
"Odd. I thought Pierce was going to perform."
"Pierce?" Noelle frowned at hearing Ann Marie's last name.
"That's right. Everyone was so sure Pierce was going to perform today."
Noelle blinked, unsure why they would have thought that.
"I won the competition," she clarified.
The girls seemed confused, and as they started speaking to Noelle, it soon became clear to her that, for some reason, Ann Marieshouldhave won. Maybe it had been arranged, or maybe highly expected. Suddenly, it dawned on Noelle why everyone had been so cold and aloof to her.
They thought she'd stolen the chance from Ann Marie.