Page 87 of The Sins of Noelle
"Is it? Then maybe you should give me an award to add to my resume. Think about it: Beginner in pop culture—curiouscat approved."
She threw her head back and laughed.
"I can certainly do that," she told him, still giggling.
Opening a blank paint file, she scribbled a few words, adding a cat clip art and sending it to him.
"I'll be sorely disappointed if you don't tattoo that somewhere on your body," she added, barely holding her laughter in.
The card read:Blued to the television.Then she'd signed herself with a cat picture.
"This is gold," he exclaimed after he opened the file. "I might have to take you up on that."
"If you do, send a picture. I want to see where my first and last piece of art ends up," she chortled.
"Wait a moment," he said, and Noelle blinked.
Was he… Was he really going to…
Not a minute later and he sent her a picture. It was of his arm, and he'd copied the sentence and doodled a very wonky cat.
"What do you think now?" He asked smugly.
"Well, I'd say I'm not the only one who should end her art career with that drawing."
"Curiouscat! I'm offended. Can't you see how life-like this is?" he intoned playfully.
"I can only see a mutant cat who," she paused as she zoomed in on the picture, "unfortunately grew a fifth leg."
"That's not a leg. It's the tail."
"It looks like a leg, Blue."
"Well, it's a tail. And I happen to think that it's a wonderful cat. You're just jealous that my cat is better than yours."
"Uhuh, if you say so," she cracked a smile. "I may admit defeat if you promise not to wipe that off for…a week?"
"A week? Deal," he laughed.
But just as she was about to say something else, she couldn't help but be intrigued by the picture he'd sent. Granted, it only contained an area of his arm, but Noelle studied it closely, noting tanned skin, green, prominent veins and hints of blonde hair.
Her eyes widened, just as her mouth spread into a wide grin.
So her Blue was blonde, tanned, and probably handsome. Of course, she didn't know the latter, but in her imagination he was always good looking. Almost like his avatar in the game. Blonde, blue eyed and having a roguish look about him.
"I think we left off at episode five, no?" Blue asked. She found herself blushing as she realized she'd been staring at that picture for far too long.
"Yep," she declared, popping the p. "And after that episode you can tell me what you decided to write your lit paper on. I'm curious," she said as she opened a can of diet coke, taking a sip.
"Fine," he chuckled. "Sometimes you're more enthusiastic about my classes than I am."
"I find the courses you chose fascinating," she told him honestly. "I've always been a fan of literature, but I've never been able to discuss it with anyone," her voice dropped a notch in disappointment.
She supposed that it all came down to the fact that she always seemed to have a different interpretation than the rest. Because of that, her opinion was often regarded as strange. Of course, no one would tell her that to her face. But she'd always felt it in the way her teachers and classmates regarded her—as if she'd said the most stupid thing.
Her love of literature had taken a hit then, when she'd become more and more self-conscious about speaking out and sharing her thoughts. And at some point, she'd stopped trying altogether.
It wasn't the same with Blue. Although it had taken some coaxing for her to give her opinion on certain pieces, he'd praised her insight, calling it fresh and original.