Page 23 of F*ck Steal Kill
“I’ll have to try it out. You seem like a man who knows things, so I was wondering if you could tell me anything about one of the maids at the Inn? I kind of have a thing for her, but I don’t know if she’s attached to anyone.”
“Oh sure, I know everyone,” Steve said, clearer now. “Been around the block myself a time or two.”
“I had a feeling you would.” Boss Man laughed, the sound just as decadent as his timbre, hitting me squarely on the clit; the fucker. I pressed my nails into my palms, making crescent indents. “You got that look about you. I’m sure if I had time, you could tell me a story or two.”
Steve chuckled, enjoying this man’s attention. Hell, I couldn’t blame him. BM was hella sexy. Add in that voice and those eyes, and I was a puddle on the floor. He was the type of person who made you crave them, and you didn’t even know why half the time. He was just that dynamic.
But I also felt like he’d make me want to punch his stupid face just as equally, and it excited me more than it should.
With the way he’d worked over Steve so easily, I knew he was a pro. Lacey could say I was overthinking this all she wanted, but gathering information in a small town took skill. And this man had Old Man Steve eating out of his palm. He would likely give this stranger our life story and not even realize it.
“Shit, he’s good,” I whispered. I tapped the ground, debating how I could thwart his plan. I didn’t want him to know anything about me.
“Who is it that’s caught your eye? There aren’t a lot of available women. Most of the girls marry young, right out of high school, and move out to the bordering counties. The ones that stay, well, I’m sure they have their reasons. But I’m guessing it won’t be hard to identify her. There’s only a few who work at the Inn.”
“She’s got white-blonde hair, about this high, and eyes that pierce your soul.”
Sucking in a breath, I met Lacey’s eyes, shaking my head not to say anything. I couldn’t think about his words right now. Not until I knew what he wanted, why he was here. I wouldn’t let any man come between the girls and me. Their protection came first.
“Oh, you mean Holland—” Steve stopped, clearing his throat, and I exhaled. “Excuse me; I just remembered I need to feed my neighbor’s dog. It was nice talking to you.”
“Wait—” Boss Man shouted, the sound growing quieter, and I knew Joy was on the move.
“Thank fuck. I’m assuming you got Steve to stop?” I asked.
“One second. I think he spotted me. I need to shake him,” she whispered, my heart rate increasing. A door opened and then closed, a latch falling into place. “Time for a switch-a-roo.”
“Lacey, run interference. You’re on distraction duty.”
“Finally, something fun,” she groaned, standing and dusting off the dirt and leaves she’d collected in the grass. She happily trotted down the hill toward the store now that she had a mission. That or she was that excited to get away from the bugs.
“How are you doing, Joy?” I asked once Lacey entered the store. “Lacey’s inside. Tell us when you need your window.”
“Almost done. Time for baby,” she sang. I heard the elastic as she strapped the fake belly on herself. “Okay. I’m ready. Tell me when.”
“Now,” Lacey whispered before her voice got louder. “Excuse me, why are you creeping into the women’s bathroom? That’s weird as fuck, man. Security! This man is loitering around the woman’s bathroom!” she bellowed.
“No, I’m not. I’m waiting for someone.”
“Uh-huh. Waiting for your next victim is more like it. I’ve seen those TV shows. I listen to true crime podcasts, and you, sir, are everything they warn women like me about.”
“Clear,” Joy said, a giggle in her voice. “Nice job. I’m almost out of the store.”
“Sir, do we have a problem?” another voice asked, who I had to assume was security.
“No, just a simple misunderstanding.”
“If by misunderstanding you mean thwarted abduction, then okay, Chad.”
“Ma’am, do you have reason to suspect this man?”
“Just look at him! He says he’s waiting for the ladies’ room. But we all know what that means.”
“You can’t just accuse people for standing outside a door, ma’am.”
“Fine, then I’ll go and shop somewhere else where they care about women’s safety.”
Only a few seconds later, Lacey burst out in giggles as she raced out of the store. Joy was already clear and sitting in the dry cleaning van we’d borrowed.