Page 73 of F*ck Steal Kill
“Fuck,” I screamed, the edges of my vision going dark as a second orgasm overtook me, Grady thrust forward one more time as he let out his own sound of release as he came deep in me.
“Joder. I’m not going to get tired of that anytime soon.”
“It’s cute you cuss in Spanish when you’re all aroused,” I teased. Grady laughed, his sweaty forehead falling to my naked back.
“They’re the only words I know, that and the sweet ones, mi chispa.” He kissed my skin, sending goosebumps.
“How?” I giggled and ignored how light I felt or how smitten I sounded. I wasn’t. So stop getting ideas.
“Camila and the town we grew up in had a large Hispanic population. All my friends taught me the naughty words, and then I looked up the sweet ones to impress Camila but ended up calling her my piglet. After that, she taught me the real ones.”
“I can’t believe you called her that.” I laughed, his dick slipping out a bit with the action.
“Yeah, well, I’ve at least grown since then, mi chispa, my spark,” he whispered with so much adoration. He gave me another kiss on my back before he pulled out, giving me time to cool my cheeks from his declaration.
Grady managed to find something for me to clean up with after he disposed of the condom, and we went back to our surveillance, the atmosphere much friendlier now that we’d gotten the elephant in the room out of the way.
And by elephant, I meant his cock. Not his dead fiancée or my walls. It was definitely his dick. I was going to have to start calling him Grady Tripod… or Dumbo.
Pet names are a surefire way of saying you like someone…
Shut up, brain; no one asked you.
Shit. Now I was arguing with myself.
I didn’t know which was worse. The fact I might like Grady, and he made me feel squishy inside, or making myself crazy by talking in circles.
It really was a toss-up at this point.
After a few more hours, we decided to check-in with the others and headed back to the motel. It was time to move on to the next phase of Operation Liam Neeson.
Checking my phone, I was relieved when I spotted the text from Grady to return to base. Typically, I enjoyed profiling the town by myself and found it easier to focus when I didn’t have someone else to think about.
But that was before Holland—my temptress.
Not only did I constantly notice her presence missing when she wasn’t around, but my mind kept wondering what she was doing, how she was feeling, and whether or not Grady was being an ass to her.
I’d never felt this level of obsession before. It went beyond needing to know she was safe and into the “I want to know everything” stratosphere. I was utterly fucked.
But I didn’t know if I cared.
Holland brightened my world and resuscitated the dead organ in my chest. It scared the hell out of me but also excited me. I hadn’t felt that emotion in so long; it had thrown me off the first time my heart had beat in happiness.
Tossing some cash onto the counter, I slid off the barstool and headed for the door. The ghost of Holland had been with me every step, wondering how she would find information and what outfit she’d wear this time. It had sent my mind spinning so much that I’d almost forgotten why I’d come in the first place.
Knowing I’d get to see her soon lifted some of the tension I hadn’t noticed in my shoulders until it was gone. Holland had me so twisted up, and I never wanted to be untangled ever again.
Climbing onto my bike, I nodded at a few guys lingering around as they talked shop and backed out of the row of motorcycles. The ride to the motel wasn’t short enough, and I was practically vibrating out of my skin by the time I disembarked from my motorcycle and stored my helmet. I had to stop myself from skipping to the door, but the joyfulness was there.
Knocking on the door of the guy’s room, I bounced on the balls of my feet as I waited. Anticipation and longing filled me.
“Password?” Max chirped, also setting my pulse on fire.
How I hadn’t noticed the effect my best friend had on me all these years, I didn’t know. It had to be an emotional numbness I’d been in or something until Holland crash-landed in my heart and opened me up to possibilities.