Page 79 of F*ck Steal Kill
“I don’t like this,” Quentin grumbled, not for the first time.
“It’s our best opportunity, and you know it,” Max countered, not scared of Q’s wrath. Quentin gritted his teeth as he attempted to rein in his panic. Max reached out and placed a hand on his back, his other still typing as he focused on his laptop screen.
Q’s tension lessened, and when I moved around him, placing my hands on his cheeks and bringing our foreheads together, it melted altogether.
“I know it’s scary. My two best friends are inside that madman’s house, the man whose group has killed people close to all three of you. But if we don’t trust in each other’s skills, then we’re all dead.”
Q held my eyes as he sucked in a breath, letting it out slowly. When he nodded, I kissed his lips and backed away. Grady watched us but said nothing. His face had been blank from the moment we’d headed out.
I think all three of them had been able to ignore that we would be facing the Savages today, focusing on rescuing Ava as the first agenda. But they couldn’t deny it any longer as the girls weaved through the crowd. Years of anger and revenge came down to this moment.
“I can’t believe you placed one of those on me,” Grady grumbled, his cheeks pinking slightly at being caught unaware. It was the first sign of emotion, so I welcomed it.
“Only the audio one,” I said, winking.
He shook his head, more of his tension falling away, and I felt good for the part I played in that. I was slowly finding my role in their team dynamic.
“Guests are beginning to arrive. Now’s our chance,” Max said, looking up.
The four of us nodded, taking one last chance to say goodbye before we broke off into teams. I kissed Grady and Max, trying not to think about them not returning to our room tonight. I wouldn’t let myself entertain it and hoped it meant it wouldn’t happen.
Positive manifestation or something, the shit Joy was always spouting.
Quentin and I climbed down the ladder and turned left down the drains to put us at the back of the compound while Max and Grady headed to the front. Our steps echoed around us in the space, bouncing off the walls as we journeyed. Neither of us said anything. What was there to say at this point?
It was time to focus and not be distracted. Too many lives depended on it.
Quentin and I were on the rescue mission while Grady would deal with Viper. The grand plan was for Joy or Lacey to get him alone, and Grady to pull him into the drain before anyone noticed. The girls would then go back into the party until they could safely escape, grabbing Lukas in the process.
The whole thing balanced on timing, and ensuring we effectively hit each target before the next domino could fall.
If not, then it was game over as the whole plan collapsed with us in the center of it.
A few miles in, my legs ached, and sweat poured down my forehead, the tunnels getting to me. Even my lungs burned as I tried to inhale enough oxygen.
“Almost there,” Quentin said, glancing at his watch with the layout on it. I nodded, unable to say anything, pushing myself to keep going.
Fuck, I hated running. If I was going to sweat this much, I preferred being pounded by several dicks than the hellish torture running was.
Quentin slowed as we neared our exit point, and I bent over, trying to catch my breath. The fucker wasn’t even winded, just a mild sheen of sweat on his forehead, looking sexy as fuck. Which meant I had to poke him a little to even the score.
“How was your first blow job by a guy?” I asked when I finally had words back.
Q lifted his brow, stalking closer to me until I was pressed up against the wall. “That really what you want to talk about right now, Temptress?”
Letting out a slight noise, I nodded. “Yup. Sure is.”
Quentin smirked, his hands grabbing my hips as he pressed his body into mine. “First of all, it wasn’t a blow job by a guy. It was Max, which is different. And second of all, do I really need to answer, considering I filled your mouth with my cum? Maybe I need to remind you later so your smart mouth will remember.”
“Nah. It’s good. Maybe you should remind Max, though. Just blow each other in the van if you want. Whatever. You don’t even need me,” I rambled, my anxiety and insecurity getting the better of me.
He lifted his brow, searching my eyes.
“I didn’t take you for being self-conscious, Temptress. The things between Max and I are new. We hadn’t even acknowledged our feelings until we both realized we liked you. I do love him, and he loves me, and that makes our relationship strong. But we’re not trying to be boyfriends. Being together adds something to our experience with you. We get to share that moment and feel even closer. I don’t foresee us being sexual with one another outside our joint time. We’re both comfortable going with what feels right, and that’s always with you, baby. You’re what brings us together. You don’t have to feel insecure or worried that we’ll leave you out.”
I didn’t know what else to say. One, because that was one of the longest speeches I’d heard from him, and two, he’d hit every fear and thought I had on the head, squashing them out of existence. I licked my lips.