Page 89 of F*ck Steal Kill
“Sorry. Didn’t mean anything by it. Shall we?” he asked, clearing his throat and stepping out, his voice a higher octave as he left.
“Is it just me, or is that the first time we’ve gotten one over on him?” Q asked, his rage simmering down.
I snorted but nodded. Ryan was usually so flippant and disorienting, coming in to save the day, that I hated every second with him. But today, it had been fun seeing him be the one with his tail between his legs.
The rest of his team was gathered around a large truck, and it didn’t surprise me as we approached that Holland had taken command. Ryan stood next to her, but it was clear who was in charge. If anything, he looked a little taken aback that she’d taken over but was too nervous to say anything about it. His men had fallen in line quickly, apparently able to identify the real threat better than him.
That, or all the guns and knives strapped to her and Lacey, had warranted some respect. So, maybe just smarter.
“You,” Holland pointed at the guy in the back. He looked around himself, despite being the last of the crew.
Eventually, he pointed at his chest, his eyes wide like he didn’t believe she was talking to him. My cock took notice, thickening against my leg at the most inappropriate time. But my girl was hot when she scared the shit out of everyone.
“No, the ghost next to you,” she said, rolling her eyes. He jumped to his left, like there really was a ghost, gulping when he realized she was joking.
“Seriously, this is the best the Shadows have?” she asked Lacey, who shrugged her shoulders, then walked over to the men, looking them up and down as she assessed them. They instantly straightened like they were being inspected. Holland’s eyes danced, enjoying the discomfort they brought the gathered men.
I cleared my throat, knowing she’d want to get to the compound quickly. “He the one to stay back?” I asked, drawing her attention.
“Yep. Can you tell him what to do and how not to fuck it up?” she asked, smiling at me.
I nodded, cupping Ben on the back of the neck and leading him over to the rooms. He shook, nodding at everything I said and planting himself in a chair before the door.
By the time I returned to the group, everyone had dispersed into vehicles, and we were ready to roll out. I had to hand it to Holland; she was efficient.
Sliding in beside Ryan, I centered myself as we reached the entry point. Ava had given us the ideal location to breach the property, which hadn’t even been on our maps. Apparently, Viper had connections all the way up to the NSA that kept his property off the satellites, limiting the information available and distorting anything that made it through before it reached the public.
Taking him out wouldn’t be easy, but I was determined to try. He was the type of man who brought only fear and pain into the world, and I was sick of it.
“Your girl’s kind of scary,” Ryan said a little while into the drive. “But, also, hot. Is, um, her friend available?”
“Lacey?” I growled, reminding myself I couldn’t kill him because he thought Holland was hot.
“Um, yeah. That her name? I didn’t really get it.”
“Yep, and as far as I know, she’s single. Not that Lacey does relationships. More of a ‘love ’em and leave’ em’ situation.”
He sighed, a wistful smile crawling over his face. “What a way to go, though.”
I snorted, shaking my head, not that I could blame him. It had taken me far longer to realize I wanted Holland, despite my dick’s instant reaction.
The vacant lot we pulled into was exactly as Ava described, the lone door jutting from the ground. This was her father’s escape hatch, and because it was a secret only he and a few guards knew of, it wasn’t guarded to keep the whereabouts of its location secret—hubris at its finest.
Which worked perfectly for us.
The still of the early morning surrounded us as we stepped out of the vehicles, our boots crunching on the gravel as we all circled the back of the semi. It was a mobile command station with monitors, weapons, and supplies. Ryan’s team was typically sent in to completely wipe out a target if they weren’t deemed worthy or able to be of use to the Shadows, but they also did rescue missions, making them the best candidates to help us on this job.
“Alright, the XOXO team will head through the tunnel; a secondary unit will follow ten minutes later. The third unit will head in that direction to catch anyone trying to leave the compound, and the rest will monitor from here. Time is of the essence. They’ve already been with Viper for over two hours.” Holland steeled her jaw, her face taut. “If he’s touched a hair on either of them, he’ll regret it.” She took a breath, letting out the anger as she focused. “The secondary team will escort out housekeepers and any staff first. Once we have Max and Joy, we’re leveling this place to the ground.”
Her teeth were gritted, the pure killer she could be was evident on her face. If there was ever any doubt I wouldn’t find that attractive, my dick took that away as it thickened against my leg… again. At this rate, I would need to buy extra tight pants so I didn’t tent up each time she walked into the room.
Or opened her mouth.
Or got sassy.
Or bossy.
Yeah, I was addicted to all things Holland, and I wouldn’t deny it.