Page 35 of Man Scape
“I was walking Earl and she was out front getting her mail. We hit it off.”
Shit. “Hit it off?” My fingers clenched around the phone. “Are you two dating or whatever it’s called these days?”
“Dating? We went out twice. Hooking up? No way.”
I frowned, confused. “Why no way? She seems… nice.”
And sexy. And uninhibited beneath that prim shell. And very, very naughty.
“Yeah. Nice. She’s cute and all that and I thought, why the hell not? So I took her for coffee. But I ended it because I can’t do candlelight and poetry and that’s what she’ll want.”
My eyebrows went up and I flung off my sunglasses to rub my eyes. Poetry? Not a chance. She wanted to hear filth in her ear while my fingers were buried inside her.
“You got that from those two dates?”
“I think she’s a virgin, Dad,” he said in a cautious way that someone used when describing a bomb that had to be handled very carefully.“You’ve seen her. Vanilla all the way. She’s a settle-down kind of girl and I’m not looking for that right now. A guy wants a little–”
While Danny and I had always been open when talking about sex, there was a line, especially when it came to fucking little Melly Harwood. “Gotcha. Text me when you’re on your way home. I’ll take care of Melly and the dog situation until then.”
I hung up and climbed from my truck. I couldn’t help the smile that was on my face.
Danny thought Melly was vanilla. Melly thought Danny was boring and too young.
I feltguilty about calling in sick when I really wasn’t, so after talking with Arlo, I went into work. Besides, I had no idea what to do with myself outside of my set routine. What did someone do with a few free hours on a weekday? I had to think about what to do with Daniel and I did my best thinking when reshelving books. It was a one-person task so I didn’t have to talk to anyone. I didn’t have to think too much about what I was doing, only remember the alphabet and numbers. Fiction was simple and the Dewey Decimal System wasn’t rocket science.
So after settling Fred on her dog bed in the office, I put all the return books on a cart and went into the non-fiction section.
What did I want to do with Daniel?
I felt like there were so many possibilities. Romance books offered endless variety of sexual options. A buffet of possibilities we could do together.
Based on how Daniel talked and handled me in the storeroom, I had to put him in the alpha, caveman, lumberjack, growly, bearded, dominant, possessive lover category. And I couldn’t forget dirty talker. God, that had been hot.
I loved his kisses. I loved his fingers inside of me. I wanted his mouth on me. His dick in me. Beard burn on my breasts and thighs. I wanted to be taken from behind. Against a wall. Over a table. Inside. Outside. Heck, I even wanted butt stuff.
Yes, me!LittleMelly Harwood had a lot of naughty thoughts, and they were only stirred up by onebigDaniel Pearson.
I realized I’d shelved three books and hadn’t made it out of the Self-Help section. Maybe I needed some self-help.
The night before, pre-throw up, Mallory told me to jump him.
Arlo told me to go for it.
My pussy was telling me to get my shit together and call the man.
Pulling my cell from the back pocket of my pants, I took a deep breath and called him. I looked about. No one was in this section. Only one person was on the computers which were in the center of the non-fiction area and he had headphones on. It was after lunch so the kids’ section was quiet. Toddlers were home for naps and bigger kids were at school.
Oh, that growl.
“Hi, Daniel, I… I–” I what? I knew what but I couldn’t say it. “I’m sorry I threw up on you.”