Page 37 of Man Scape
I took a breath. I did want to be bad with him. The night before, in that storage room, it was me, but better. More. Free.Verybad. And I felt safe with Daniel. As if he would take care of me when I’d been completely out of control.
“Yes,” I admitted.
“Good answer. So yes/no questions. Got it. You let slip you’re a virgin. Is that true?”
I pushed the cart further into the stacks. “Yes.”
“May I ask why you’re still one at twenty…”
“Four. I’m twenty-four. And well, I guess I never found the right guy,” I admitted. It was true. I definitely wasn’t having sex with anyone my mother recommended. Since I’d returned to Hunter Valley, I hadn’t been interested in anyone. Sure, a date or two, like with Danny Pearson, but not one got me interested. Or aroused. Or… wet. Until Daniel.
“But you’ve come before with a man?” he asked.
“Only me.” Another growl.
“You said you have vibrators. Big ones. You fuck yourself with them?”
Oh my God, this conversation! I grabbed another book from the cart and randomly shoved it in the stacks, then moved along. At the end of the stack, I turned and hid behind it.
“Then you’ll take me so well. I won’t have to hold back too much. You’ll be sore, but you’ll always be a little achy when you take all my dick.”
He didn’t ask a question so I didn’t say anything. I wanted to push my hand down my pants and touch myself because he made me wet. And needy. And remembering how he’d made me come with ruthless precision and fast enough for him to feel cocky about it.
“Want it down your throat, in your pussy, or nice and snug in your ass?”
“Daniel,” I whispered, leaning against the side of the book stack. My eyes fell closed and I was lost. So lost.
“Oh, that wasn’t a yes/no question, was it? I guess you’ll have to come over after work and try all three. We can have a little fun.”
My eyes flew open.Have a little fun.
I’d heard that before. From my mother. From Creepy Carl.
Why are you so uptight? Have a little fun.
Carl wants to have a little fun with you.
He’ll show you how fun sex can be.
Fun. Everything they’d proposed had been the complete opposite of fun. That was when that word changed meaning for me, that maybe I wasn’t fun if I didn’t like it.
It was as if I’d shoved face first into a snowbank.
Daniel was silent for a moment, as if surprised by my answer.
I was on the verge of hanging up on him if the next thing he called me was uptight, too.
“No,” he said, repeating my answer. “Okay. That answer is okay, Melly. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
I exhaled in relief that he wasn’t pushing. That he respected my words. Me.