Page 70 of Man Scape
“My date,” he countered.
I wasn’t going to remind him he didn’t want her. That he wasn’t interested in her. But that would make me sound like I was twenty-one. Like him.
“I love you, but you need to go. I respect your boundaries in your relationships and you will respect mine.”
“You’re fucking my ex!”
“Two dates, Danny. Two. She’s not your ex.” I pointed to the front door. “Go. We’ll talk later.”
He gave me a disgusted look, called for Earl and stormed out, the door slamming behind the two of them. Fred stared at the closed door, as if waiting for them to return.
Boundaries. Sounded familiar. Danny’d walked in on the little contract Melly and I had. Reminded me that we were in our own little bubble. This thing we were doing, this non-relationship fucking? It wasn’t the real world. Danny’d just burst that, and it was a reminder that every touch, every breathy pant, every secret we discovered about each other wasn’t real.
I was leaving Saturday and it would all be over.
Fuck. FUCK!
“You’re leaving?”he asked, coming into his bedroom. Fred scurried over to him and he picked her up. The sight of him holding my tiny dog tucked into the crook of his elbow was cute as hell.
“Uh… yeah. Yoursoncaught us.”
“So?” he asked, his voice all growly in the way I really liked. “He’ll get over it.”
I rolled my eyes, pulled my sweater on. “I won’t,” I replied, pulling my hair out from the collar. “Look, this was amazing. Insane.” I thought of the past two days. “Wow, adjectives I can’t even think of. But you’re leaving on Saturday and–”
“We don’t need to stop before then, just like the contract.” He said that then frowned, as if he couldn’t believe he was begging. Or he was really horny and I was willing and right in front of him.
I shook my head. I heard what he told Mav and Mac the night before. We hadn’t spent much of the past two days talking or getting to know each other, but we made it clear this was temporary, that we didn’t want a relationship. I was catching feelings for Daniel and that was bad. Contracts and boundaries and addendums didn’t work for the heart.
Gah. I was falling for the big lumberjack even though I put every safeguard in place.
I should have learned from my father, my mother, and even my grandmother that I wasn’t worth sticking around for.
No. That thinking was unfair to Daniel. I knew he was leaving when we went into this. I knew it was only going to last a few days. That made me more of an idiot than ever because I walked right into this sadness.
I shook my head. I needed a shower. Styling products. Clean panties since mine from yesterday were tucked in my purse. I took Fred from him, went up on my tiptoes and kissed him.
Met his dark, stunned eyes. “Thank you.”
“For what? Orgasms?” he asked, sounding cranky.
I cut around him and down the stairs. I couldn’t linger. This was hard.
Swallowing, I made it to the bottom of the steps then pasted on a smile as he followed me. He was still in only his boxers.
“Definitely. Orgasms. I guess letting me do things I never would with, well, anyone else.”
Shit. That was too true. I did all kinds of things–and I didn’t mean sexually–with Daniel. I opened up to him. I trusted him. I… let him in.
“Sweet girl, don’t you know?” he asked, cupping my cheek. His growl was gone and now he was all sweet and deep voiced.