Page 72 of Man Scape
The going away dinner.
“The James guys want in too, so Arlo’s reserving a bunch of tables for us.”
“I’m in.”Where else would I be?I thought. “How’s the job coming?”
“You’re not asking because you’re going to come over and help, are you?”
“No.” Melly had made it clear she was done, and I respected her boundaries, even though my dick didn’t understand.
“By help I meant pretend to care about the driveway and sneak inside and fuck Melly.”
I sighed. It was no point telling him off for being disrespectful with his wording, but really, I would sneak inside and fuck her.
“Good because you have worse cockblockers over here than your brothers.”
I frowned, grabbing a new deodorant from the drawer in my bathroom. “Danny?”
“Well, okay, worse than him.” So he was still butt hurt about me and Melly. Great.
“What can be worse than your son being pissed you fucked his ex?” I asked.
Deek laughed. “D, I told you so. I fucking told you so about that shit.”
“He’s not mad because he didn’t get the girl. He never wanted her.”
“Dude, he’s never going to live down that his father got his girl.”
“She’s not his girl!”She was mine. FUCK!No, she wasn’t.
“You kinda pulled a Dad. Worse because you scammed on your son’s dating pool. Dad only fucked his secretary, not one of our dates.”
“We were five and eight,” I reminded. “By the way, you’re a dick.” I tossed the deodorant on top of the pile of t-shirts. “Wait. Who can be a worse cockblocker than even Danny?”
I got off track and missed the original point.
“Melly’s mom. She’s back.”
My mother was here.
Just great.
“Honey, I can’t believe what’s going on outside! Have you seen all those men?”
Fred was tucked under my arm as I stood in the entry.
Mom came in, then went to the window and peeked out.
Deek, Sea Bass, Danny, and the other guys from Pearsons were laying the pavers for the driveway. They were a handsome bunch, but I didn’t stand at the window and ogle.
Or in front of my boyfriend–if I had one.
“I’m Roger,” Mom’s boyfriend said, shaking my hand.